Sve functions

allhelp() sve function reference.

acall(function, arguments, [parent_env=$]): Calls the function with custom parameters and environment
allhelp(): Displays all function help texts
andb(int, int): Bitwise AND
broadcast(string): Broadcast a global message
charat(string, index): Returns the character at the index
chr(chr_id): Returns a string that contains the right character
define(table, index, val): Adds a new index to the parameter table
defined(table, index): Contains the parameter table the parameter index
disk.load(name): Loads a table from the disk, data): Saves table to the disk
eval(sve_code, [scope=$]): Executes sve code in a scope
exec(player, string): Executes a command as a player
getClass(): Wrapper for ClassLoader.loadClass()
getServer(): Returns the Server instance currently running this plugin
getls(function): Returns the defination scope of a function instance
getpt(table): Returns the prototype of the parameter table
getptf(table): Returns the prototype of the parameter table
getsup(scope): Returns the super scope of the parameter scope
give(player, item): Gives an item to a player
hash(obj): Returns the hash code of the object
hasperm(player, string): Has player a specific permission
help(function_name): Displays a small help text
include(file_string): Executes sve code from a file
keys(table): Returns an array that contains all keys from the parameter table
len(table): Returns the length of the parameter table (not the size of the table)
location(x, y, z, world): Creates a new location object
new(table): Creates a new copy of the parameter table
number(string): Parsers a float number from a string
orb(int, int): Bitwise OR
pcall(function, arguments): Calls the function and returns 1 if success and 0 if error
players(): Returns a list of players
pow(a, b): Returns the value of the first argument raised to the power of the second argument.
print(string): Print a string to the standard output
raise(error): Raise an error
print(string): Prints string to the standard output
registercommand(command_name, permission, function): Registers a new command
registereventhandler(event_name, function): Registers a new bukkit event handler
require(file_string): Executes sve code from a file except if the file is already executed
rnd(max): Returns a new random number
sethelp(function_name, string): Set's help text
setls(function, scope): Sets the defination scope of a function instance
setpt(table, prototype): Sets the prototype of the parameter table
setptf(table, function): Sets the prototype of the parameter table
setsup(scope, scope): Sets the super scope of the parameter scope
shlb(int, int): Bitwise left shift
shrb(int, int): Signed bitwise right shift
split(string, delimeter): Splits the string
static(): Returns a table with all static values and enum constants
str(number): Returns the string representation of the number
strlen(string): Returns the length of the string
substr(string, start, end): Creates a new substring from the parameter string
sysclock(): Returns the system time in milliseconds
system(string): Executes a command as system
table(elements): Creates a new array
tell(player, string): Tells a private message to a player
timer(function, int): Creates a new task to call a procedure again and again
tolower(string): Changes all characters to lower case
toupper(string): Changes all characters to upper case
tp(player, player): Teleports a player
type(obj): Returns the type of the object
undefine(table, index): Removes an index from the paremeter table
ushrb(int, int): Unsigned bitwise right shift
values(table): Returns an array that contains all values of the parameter table
vector(x, y, z): Creates a new vector object
worlds(): Returns a list of worlds
xorb(int, int): Bitwise XOR


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