Language files version 2 now available!
NEW VERSION UPDATED, LOOKING FOR TRANSLATORS. If you find some bugs please submit a ticket! Click here to start translating
Donate if you appreciate the work as it costs a lot of time and effort to create this plugin. If not then I hope you let other people know about my work.
StartersQuiz is a plugin that lets players do a quiz before they can actually do anything on the server. This includes Block-Breaking, Blockplacing and chatting at the moment but might get more later on. Players have to answer question that the admin has set up. You can make either Multiple-choice questions or question where players have to fill in something (Multiple-choice recommended).
- Blocking certain abilities for players who have not finished the quiz yet.
- Configurable quizes
- Multiple quizzes
- Players can retry their current quiz.
- You can configure the maximum amount of attempts per quiz and default.
- Instead of the right amount of questions, you now have to configure the percentage to pass.
- It automatically checks whether a player passed or not.
- Permissions support
- Configure if a player has to be promoted to a different group when finsished.
- Configurable ban time in seconds, minutes, hours, days and weeks
- Blocked actions can be configured
- Players can answer without using the /sqanswer command. (Can be configured, default: false)
- You can reward players with money and items
- You can remove permissions from a player
- You can give players permissions
- Players can be permanently banned now
- Multiple bantimes can be configured
NOTE: Permissions are added and removed to and from each world apart, no global permissions are being used.
NOTE2 (For Groupmanager users): StartersQuiz only promotes to the group in the current player's world. Use GroupManager's mirroring to promote in other worlds too. Another way is too make different quizzes for different worlds if you do not (want to) use mirroring.
Planned Updates
Permissions supportConfigurable limited amount of attemptsConfigurable action when a player does not pass the quiz.When you extend the quiz and the player wants to retry, let him retry from where he finished before he had to do it again instead of the whole quiz.Add the possibility to add a player to group.And also the possibility to add permission to the user only.
Possibilty to make more than one quiz/testAdd a reward, items or money
Version 3 updates
- Re-configure commands
Add a /sqreload command- An overview for players (and admins) to view the results etc.
Let me know when you have some more ideas.
How To Install StartersQuiz
Installing StartersQuiz is very simple. Unpack and create new quizes like the one in the quizzes folder. Take a look at the example as it shows you how to configure the quizzes.
You also need Vault in order to let it work. To be sure you have the latest version of vault go to Vault's own BukkitDev page.
- /sq or /sqhelp - Show the help page/commands.
- /sqstart - Start the quiz
- /sqquestion - Show the current question.
- /sqanswer [A|B|C|etc.] - Give an answer to the question.
- /sqretry - Retry the quiz
- /sqreload - Reload the plugins files
Permission nodes
- - Gives access to the '/sq' and '/sqhelp' commands
- sq.start - Gives access to the '/sqstart' command.
- sq.question - Gives access to the '/sqquestion' command
- sq.answer - Gives access to the '/sqanswer' command
- sq.retry - Gives access to the '/sqretry' command
- sq.quiz - Gives you all of the above permissions. (NOTE: if the plugin does not work try to add the above permissions instead of this one)
- sq.quiz.[Quiz name] - Gives the user or group this quiz (You can only give one quiz to a group/user.
- sq.exclude.[Quiz name] - Excludes player or group from the specified quiz.
Do NOT use sq.* as it will also exclude you from a quiz. Instead use 'sq.quiz' to give a player or group all the quiz permissions and commands. OPs are always excluded so if you want to test you have to give the right permissions to a test group or something like that. And last but not least, permissions are CaSe-SeNsItIvE so check you quiz names before giving permissions.
Known Bugs
- With the current config QuestionsEveryXsec does not work. Change Questions to Question. The option should be QuestionEveryXsec.
- You have to add a possible answers at your quizzes at Answers. To leave it blank add - ' ' that prevents the plugin to give you errors on the server.log file.
- Please submit ticket when you find one (or more:))
Could you please create a ticket and also give me the errors you get. About answering the question: is the command not working or answering on chat?
Okay so players can still talk and I have pex's modifyworld blocking everything for newbs except talking but in config block chat is true. That doesnt work to well for me and. . . The most important doesnt work as well. ;( ANSWERING !!!! rage! But yeah here is my config.
Not yet. In the future it will, but I am learning how to use them at the moment.
This support MySql?
You got a point there. I mentioned that the version of Vault I added could be out of date and so I added the a link to Vault's BukkitDev page.
And yay! I'm in a list now^^
Thank you for suggestion and adding me to the list!
If you could make it a bit more apparent that this uses vault I would appreciate it, packaging the vault.jar with the plugin is alright, but I would also suggest giving a direct link to the project and letting people know that they can always get the latest version there, sometimes if you don't update your plugin and there has been a new version of vault, we don't want them just dumping it in and overwriting their newer version.
And/Or go to the project settings -> edit default relationships -> add Vault as a dependency (required or optional whichever you have it as)!
Speaking of that.. I need to get some version checking built into Vault.. Adding your plugin to the list of Vault enabled plugins :)
It already supports permissionsEX
I assume you gave the 'sq.*' permission. But when using that permission it also gives the sq.exclude permission.
To solve this you must do the following:
- Just put '-sq.exclude' permission BEFORE the 'sq.*' permission
example: Groupname: permissions: - '-sq.exclude' - sq.*
Hope that helps.
As for you problem with the 'sq.exclude'. Weird because it is working just fine for me with PEX.
And you mean the option take out the line(s); - Welcome to the server .. etc. - You haven't started the quiz yet. and - You haven't finished the quiz yet? Because that wouldn't be a problem.
BTW, Maybe a ticket would be an idea?:P
KR Sluijsens
I have realised that the guests on my server can not access this plugin. I am using PermissionsEx. Would it be possible to get PEX support. :)
I have just implemented the plugin onto the main server and currently all the members can see the starter quiz even though they have the sq.exclude node.
Is it possible to have the initial message taken out or have the option to have the message taken out. On the server i am on we want to guest to have to go to out join page on our webpage before they see the quiz.
I have set block place / break and interaction to false as we have other plugins to deal with that and when i try to place blocks it still comes up with messages. The chat and drop / pick up are working though :)
I added the not-auto-start thingy. Someone else made a ticket with the exact same request. So happy us:D
Glad you like the plugin since it's my first and I'm working my ass off on it:P
KR Sluijsens
Sweet thx. This plugin is amazing much better then doing 200 membership applications on a webpage a day :)
Another another thing that I would love to see is the ability to configure the quiz to not start automatically and have the player type in a command to start it. This will allow guests on server to look around and not have to do the quiz right away. Also it would help weed out the players who do not have the intelegence to type a command in and start the quiz :)
So, I added new features
@lawliet555 including your recommendations:).
But for all changes please read the changelog!
KR Sluijsens
One thing I would like to recommend is the since you are preventing the player from using chat make it so that when they type the answer they do not need to use the command but instead just type the answer into chat.
Also another thing I would recommend is that once a player has answered a question it automatically asks the player the next question as it is a pain to have to keep typing /sq question.
Lastly i would recommend using a custom ban message. Instead of " You have been banned for 15 Minutes " use " you have failed to pass the quiz and have been banned for 15 Minutes ". This will give players a better idea as to why they just got banned.
You should give the permission "sq.exclude" to the member group so that the member group is excluded.
Kr Sluijsens
At the moment will it detect if a player is in a member group or in a guest group and only give the guest the quiz and not the member>
Fixed those errors,
It works now with permissions. And a starting point for /sqretry.
KR Sluijsens
Hello all,
I am sorry for not updating this plugin in the last few days, but I am very busy with school at the moment and I hope that I can work on it this weekend.
KR Sluijsens
I can try to make a configurable time ban. Assuming that the server is online all the time. And later on I can make it configurable so that every time the had all their attempts a X amount of minutes or X% will be added.