Installation & Configuration

SmartSignEditor Installation & Configuration

Here you can find a detailed guide about the plugins' installation and how to configure it preperly.


  1. Download the plugin
  2. Drag it to your plugins folder
  3. Start/Reload the server to the configuration be generated
  4. Edit the configuration as you want
  5. Restart your server or use /sse-reload to reload the configuration


  • tool-item: Configuration of the physical sign handling item and its properties.
    • tool: The item to be used as the physical tool. This includes its display name and lore. The default item is the 'The Great Editing Feather'.
    • match-name: Indicates that the server should only handle signs using items with the same type and name as the tool above. The default value is false.
    • match-lore: Indicates that the server should only handle signs using items with the same type and lore as the tool above. The default value is false.

  • tool-usages: Configuration on how the different tool options on the plugin can be used.
    Valid options are: NO_SHIFT_RIGHT_CLICK (Right clicks without sneaking), SHIFT_RIGHT_CLICK (Right clicks while sneaking), RIGHT_CLICK (Right clicks in general), NO_SHIFT_LEFT_CLICK (Left clicks without sneaking), SHIFT_LEFT_CLICK (Left clicks while sneaking), LEFT_CLICK (Left clicks in general).
    Options are NOT allowed to overlap. Eg.: SHIFT_RIGHT_CLICK for line-copy and RIGHT_CLICK for sign-copy.
    • edit-tool: Usage of the edit tool. The default value is RIGHT_CLICK
    • copy-tool: Usages of the copy tool.
      • sign-copy: Usage of the sign copy tool. Copies the entire sign. The default value is NO_SHIFT_RIGHT_CLICK.
      • line-copy: Usage of the line copy tool. Copies the interacted line. The default value is SHIFT_RIGHT_CLICK.
    • paste-tool: Usages of the paste tool.
      • sign-paste: Usage of the sign paste tool. Pastes the entire sign. The default value is NO_SHIFT_RIGHT_CLICK.
      • line-paste: Usage of the line paste tool. Pastes on the interacted line. The default value is SHIFT_RIGHT_CLICK.
    • erase-tool: Usages of the erase tool.
      • sign-erase: Usage of the sign erase tool. Erases the entire sign. The default value is NO_SHIFT_RIGHT_CLICK.
      • line-erase: Usage of the line erase tool. Erases the interacted line. The default value is SHIFT_RIGHT_CLICK.
    • tool-change: Not an actual tool, but rather how tools should be changed.
      • next-tool: Selects the next tool in the line. The default value is NO_SHIFT_RIGHT_CLICK.
      • previous-tool: Selects the previous tool in the line. The default value is SHIFT_RIGHT_CLICK.

  • extended-tool: Configuration of distant sign interactions.
    • enabled: Is it enabled? The default value is true.
    • reach: The maximum distance in blocks to count as a sign interaction. Higher values means worse performance. The default value is 10.

  • special-signs: Special signs used by other plugins. If you're currently using any on your server, add them to this list, so, they're handled correctly if you try to use SmartSignEditor on them. By default, it contains all special Essentials signs.


As of 2.4.0, the plugin has support to customize almost every message of SmartSignEditor, going from administration messages to simple "how-to-use" messages.
Download and run the latest version and messages.yml will be generated on the folder of the plugin, where you can edit it as you see fit.
Use the special bracket parameters to insert specific text on any part of your message!
The available parameters are limited to the ones you find on the default messages!

Quote from Example:

line-copy: 'You have copied a line! Its text was {line}'