
[Important Feature] [Additional Feature] [Ready] <Next milestone>

Next milestone: Version 2.0

  • If player dies in an arena respawn them as a spec in that arena.
  • Stop spectators leaving the arena; only in arena mode.
  • Stop specators from riding horses & pushing mobs

- Make all messages customisable

- Command whitelist for when command blocking is enabled

- Precise teleporting (pitch, yaw), returning to previous position

- Teleport players to lobby when a game ends

- Stop players using signs (eg. Hunger Games plugins, etc)

- Item that issues '/spec off' command


- Permission bug allowing other players to enable/disable spectate for you and reload the plugin - fixed

- World management; make sure players are in correct world

- Entity targeting error (caused by npc plugins?) - fixed

- Scoreboard interference

- Arrows & projectiles blocked by spectators - fixed

- XP orbs can be collected by spectators

[Added] [Added]

  • [1.9] Save spectator mode on when players quit
  • [1.9] Spectators can see other spectators (in ghost form) [optional]
  • [1.9] Command to teleport to a player when spectating: /spec player or /spec p
  • [1.9] Block commands while spectating
  • [1.9.1]Dev API

- [1.9] Add /spec reload

- [1.9] Auto config updating

- [1.8] Remove Instant Health potion effect