Spawn Protect

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

This plugin will protect your spawn against all sorts of griefing including: 

breaking of blocks, placing of blocks, forming of blocks (flowing water), moving of blocks(with dispensers) and much more!

Players will not receive any kind of damage.



- Protects the plugin against all violations.

- Protects players of all damage.

- Custom spawn borders (square)

- Custom message on entering / leaving the spawn



/SpawnProtect: displays all commands with explanation. (permission: spawnprotect)
/SpawnProtect disable: disables the plugin, i.e. for changing the spawn. (permission: spawnprotect.disable)
/SpawnProtect enable: re-enables the plugin, spawn is again protected. (permission: spawnprotect.enable)
/SpawnProtect setnw: set the north-west corner of the spawn. (permission: spawnprotect.setnw)
/SpawnProtect setse: set the south-east corner of the spawn. (permission: spawnprotect.setse)

/SpawnProtect setspawn: sets the spawnpoint to this exact location. (permission: spawnprotect.setspawn)


Additional permissions:

spawnprotect.editspawn: enables you to modify the world inside the spawn without having to disable this plugin (as requested by mrcryingobsidian)



1. Drag and Drop the plugin in the plugins folder + reload the server

2. Set the boundaries for the spawn using /spawnprotect setnw and /spawnprotect setse

3. Edit the messages in the customConfig.yml if you want and reload

After this the plugin will be setup and ready for usage!


TODO: (if requested)

- /spawn command with cooldown for teleporting to the spawn

- multiple spawn points?

Do you have an idea? I am open-minded for all suggestions!


If you encounter any bugs/problems with this plugin or have any suggestions/ideas,

don't hesitate to contact me!

Now i'm not new to Bukkit programming anymore. You can 'hire' me for small plugin requests if you want.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 6, 2016
  • Last Released File
    Jul 23, 2019
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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