Quick Start Guide

Quick Start Guide

With all the new additions creating an arena can be quite complicated. so this is a short guide to help you get a very basic arena going.

Creating the arena

To start we want to create an arena.

/SBFAdmin add arena MyFirstArena

Setting Borders

That's all fine and dandy but it doesn't do much. we can't play in it yet. next we need to set the border of the arena, right now this stops mobs from spawning, but later it may also be used to stop players from leaving.

The border is set by setting two point on the opposite corners of the Arena, arenas a cuboid so make sure your whole arena fits between the positions you set.


go to a bottom corner of the arena and type:

/SBFAdmin set border MyFirstArena  1

then go to the opposite corner in the top of the map and type:

/SBFAdmin set border MyFirstArena  2

You should now have the border coordinates for your arena set. next we'll need to add some spots for your players to spawn at.

Adding Spawn Points

first head over to where you want your red team players to spawn, and type:

/SBFAdmin add spawn MyFirstArena Red

this set a location that player will spawn at when they are on red team, you can have as many of these as you like. similarly setting a point for blue team is just:

/SBFAdmin add spawn MyFirstArena Blue


We have an arena, with a borders and a spawn. now we have to add a gamemode !

Adding Game Modes

because this is our first arena all we're going to do is add the TeamDeathMatch game mode, later game modes will require more work. all you have to do is type:

/SBFAdmin add gamemode TeamDeathMatch MyFirstArena

Currently we only have one game mode but, a list of game modes and descriptions are located here


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