Snow Ball Fight
Snow Ball Fight
This is an arena based snowfight mod.
when you join an arena you will be randomly assigned a team. if all the arenas are full you will be placed in a waiting queue until a player leaves. if all arenas are empty you will also join the queue until another player joins.
Here it is 1.8.1 !!!! please post bugs, and help us test! this is an ALPHA BUILD, be warned.
Current Features
- Red and Blue team spawns
- Coloured team armour
- Round system
- Fancy scoreboard
- Multiple arenas
- World independent arena system
- Global queue
- Arena specific queues
- Mobs don’t spawn in arenas
- Multiple spawn areas
- On server quit, player inventory is restored
- Neat command hints when you do something wrong, or haven’t done something yet
Possible, but only in config files
- Set mob spawn in arena on / off
- Set max Team DeathMatch score
- Set max players
Current Gamemodes
- Team DeathMatch
Planned Features
- Team Switching (just needs the command. we’re lazy.)
- Team Scramble (just needs the command. we’re lazy.)
- Toggle friendly fire
- Snow dropped on "kill"
- Melee Kills
- Respawn time
- Set starting amount of snow
- Multiple game modes per arena (only one possible though :p)
Planned Gamemodes
- Elimination mode
- Capture The Flag
- Capture Point
- King of the Hill
- Flying Bees
- >>Open for suggestions<<
Command | Description | |
/SBF | Play | joins a game |
/SBF | Play [arenaName] | joins a specific game |
/SBF | Quit | Quits the current game |
/SBFAdmin | add arena [arenaName] | Makes a new arena with given name |
/SBFAdmin | get arenas | Shows all arenas |
/SBFAdmin | set max players [players] [arena] | sets the max players of the specified arena |
/SBFAdmin | delete arena | ??? magic ??? |
/SBFAdmin | get friendly fire [arena] | Shows friendly fire of an arena |
/SBFAdmin | toggle friendly fire [arena] | toggles friendly fire for an arena |
/SBFAdmin | get active arenas | Shows all playable arenas |
/SBFAdmin | get inactive arenas | Shows all unplayable arenas |
/SBFAdmin | toggle [arenaName] | sets an arena (in)active |
/SBFAdmin | add spawn [arenaName] [teamColour] | adds your current position to the spawns of an arena |
/SBFAdmin | get spawn [arenaName] [teamColour] | Shows all spawns from an arena |
/SBFAdmin | delete spawn [arenaName] [spawnNumber] [teamColour] | deletes given spawn |
/SBFAdmin | add gamemode [gamemode] [arenaName] | adds given gamemode to arena |
/SBFAdmin | get gamemodes [arena] | Shows all gamemodes from a given arena |
/SBFAdmin | delete gamemode [gamemode] [arenaName] | ??? magic ??? |
/SBFAdmin | set border [arenaName] [1 / 2] | sets the border points of an arena (think of worldedit “/pos 1 / 2”) |
/SBFAdmin | get border [arenaName] | shows the border coördinates of an arena |
- SnowFight.Player - Give this to groups you want to be able to play the game
- SnowFight.Admin - Give this to groups you want to be able to use admin commands
Note: For more on setting permissions, read up These Docs or maybe here
if you Have any bugs please post them here. Issues. You can also purpose Ideas with the issues tracker but please label them as such.
If You're Interested...
If your interested in supporting us you can do so by watching my stream DustedHam Thank you
An awesome plugin but isn't compatible with 1.8.7 and probably some earlier versions too. I can't add the arena with /SBFAdmin add arena MyFirstArena because it just says "not valid snow ball fight command" PLease update it! It has so much potential!
It seems to work ok on Spigot 1.8.3. /sbf play works but not /sbf play <arena>, No matter what, it says the arena is invalid. Would love to see an award system that's compatible with items, XP, currency, or commands. Winning team receives rewards, maybe even a bonus for the MVP/Ace with most kills. I don't know if it's possible but it would be cool to buy upgrades like how powerful a player's snowballs are or how far they throw. Great work. It's simple, which is what I need. Too many FPS plugins make everything so complicated. I set up a map in less than 5 minutes which I downloaded a schematic of. I'm building my own now. I wish it would auto protect however with a configurable radius around the arena border as well, but WorldGuard will do for now. I haven't tried it yet but if I set break/place block to true in the arena config, will it reset once the game is over? I'd like to add chests with extra items if possible but only if it'd reset.
We might have an experimental version with CTF in it out somewhere in the next weekend.
When do you think ctf will be added? I'm really excited keep up the work!
So we got stuff done. Now what?
I need this, When does it come out? :(
@dennis3911 @Bob5646
We're currently working on a total rewrite, I can't say when but we're working hard :)
(sorry it's been so long everyone)
Please add that you can have multiple arena's!
Hey There I Was Just Wondering, Do You Know When You Will Support Multiple Arenas, And When You Do, How IT Will Work? Thanks,
I will look into it. Also please explain.
hello. I set the spawn locations but they dont save to a file. why?
Hello all I was just reading your comments and wanted to know What some of u would like to see in the mod and it sounded like u wanted Area support like region selection and a 1.2.5 Build. Also a decent way to Join Games?
Please Post Some Ideas for Joining.
Edit: I am trying to restart the production of this plugin. This seems like a lot of people willing to give lots of feedback and comments to help keep it moving.
You replied to UraniumCraft in a previous post, what he was asking for was: A version that works with the version of bukkit which uses tekkit (I think bukkit version 1.2.5) And so there is an option to make the players on team blue wear a blue wool block on their head, and red wool block on red. Essentials has proven this is possible :D
Perhaps commandsigns plugin, give 'em perms to only use the signs, and then negate SBF join perms?
I can't use this unless you add some kind of area support. I don't want my players to be able to join a snowball fight wherever they are, only in a said location.. Perhaps a sign to right click, which brings them to the game?
I have recently been developing a server. I came up with the idea to bring Dodge Ball to Minecraft. This is the first plugin I have encountered that has come even remotely close to doing what I need. However, there are a few features that i would like to suggest to make my idea possible.
1. Define your own teams. I would like to have more than one arena. This could come with a way to define the color of the armor with hex color codes, and the color of their name tags. The command could be : /sbfadmin set armorcolor teamname color
2. Define a "no man's land". I want to make a line of blocks that no one can touch. If they do, they should be teleported back to the main lobby.
3. Define a lobby for each team, as well a lobby that all non queued players are in.
4. Show the number of players for each team on the scoreboard side bar. This one is not all that urgent, I know how hard this could be.
5. Define spawn points for the snowball items. I personally would like to put them on the center line.
6. Track who hit who.
7. Hook WorldEdit to make the arena areas.
8. Keep up the good work. Thank you.
I've been Really busy lately sorry for the lack of updates guys, yea we can probably make that toggle able, so chat doesn't get spammed
Nice Plugin..Can make some message during the game playing. Such like who kill somebody or notify message that game start in X seconds. Thanks...
I don't plan on making versions specifically for different mod packs. Sorry
Could u make a version that works with tekkit beacuse the colored armor woudnt work maybe like red wool on head and blue wool on head for team colors??? IDK but i really would like to have this plugin!!!
Uranium Craft Tekkit Server! IP: Hope To See You There!!