Quickstart Guide

Quickstart Guide

Alright, so you've just download SkyQuest. You probably have no clue on what to do. Let's change that. First of all, drop it into your server's plugin folder. Then start your server and shut it down. SkyQuest should now have a folder inside of your server's plugin folder. Let's make a simple quest. Open SkyQuest.jar as a Java program (not as an archive). Click the "Load" button and find SkyQuest's folder. Select it and load it. Now we're ready to begin.

Your First Quest

Let's make a simple quest where the player has to kill 5 zombies.

  1. Select the "Quests" tab and click the "Create" button at the bottom left. This will bring up a dialog.
  2. Type "example" in to the "Quest ID" box. Type "Monster Hunting" in to the "Quest Name" box. Leave the "First Stage Name" box alone. Click "Create".
  3. Select the newly created quest in the quest list.
  4. Select the "Objectives" tab.
  5. Click "Create" at the bottom of the objective list. This will open a dialog.
  6. Type "obj1" into the "Objective ID" box. Type "Kill 5 Zombies" into the "Objective Name" box. Select "Kill" in the drop down box. Click "Ok". Another window will pop out.
  7. Type "5" into the "Amount" box. Type "ZOMBIE" into the "Type" box. Click "Create".
  8. We have an objective now, but it isn't getting assigned! Click on the "Stages" tab.
  9. Select "stage1" in the stage list.
  10. Click the "Create" button under the rightmost panel. This will open a dialog.
  11. Select "Assign Objective" in the drop down box. Click "Ok".
  12. Type "example" into the "Quest ID" box. Type "obj1" into the "Objective ID" box. Click "Create".
  13. It's good that the objective gets assigned now, but completing it doesn't complete the quest! Select the "Objectives" tab.
  14. Select "obj1" in the objective list.
  15. In the rightmost panel, click the "Create button" under the "Rewards" box.
  16. Select "Mark Quest Completion" in the drop down box. Click "Ok".
  17. Type "example" into the "Quest ID" box. Select "Complete" in the "Completion State" box. Click "Create".
  18. Important! Click the "Save" button under the "Rewards" box.
  19. We're all done, so switch back to the "Home" tab and click the "Save" button.
  20. Turn on your server and join it.
  21. Type "/quest assign example" into chat with Minecraft.
  22. Type "/quest questlog" into chat with Minecraft.
  23. Right click with your quest log. Your quest will appear inside of it.

After all of that, you may still be confused. If that is the case, read the Quest System and Creating Quests pages.