Ever wanted to disenchant items with just a command? Now you can :D
Vault integration.
Configure cost of disenchanting.
Permissions support
/disenchant - disenchant the item in hand!
Supported in 1.1 and above.
Supported in 1.1 and above.
cost: 10 - cost of disenchanting
I don't know. Ask me :D
Have a suggestion? Post it in the comments and I'll try to add it :D
Need quick help or just want to talk?
Cool plugin but really need update :/
Sorry for this being such a late response. But if you still are in need of this feature, just use booscooldowns and set the cost to 0 in the SimpleDisenchant Config. Using booscooldowns to control the pricing for EVERY group or just one group!
perhaps a bypass permission for some players/groups so they dont have to pay to disenchant.
I was just wondering, would it be possible for you to update it so we can disenchant books as well. It would be much appreciated. Thanks
Hey drtchock I was wondering if you could make me a custom plugin for my bukkit server. Please commant back if you are intersested and I want the plugin based off hunger games.
Would it be possible for the enchant(s) on the item to get transferred onto a book, creating an enchanted book?
Update please?
v1.2 does not generate a config file.
Add a way to change price based on the players permission.
so that VIPs can pay less than normal users.
And I'm in the USA and it says the server is in Germany lol.
I also updated. Just gotta wait for file approval.
is only one guy lol I am Brazilian
Hmm. Not sure why it only says it's on 1 server then when I have it on mine.
What do you mean the - is a mistake?
I never deactivated my plugins metric '-' is a mistake, no?
I haven't updated since that enchant was added. I'll go ahead and do that in the next few minutes.
Also, I ask that you don't disable metrics :). If you do and I see that my server is the only one running this plugin, it makes me think there isn't a point in updating.
Hey, there's a new bug, the animation does not come out of the spell, or enchantment "thorns"
Absolutely. I wasn't aware anyone was using the plugin anymore. I'll get on that :)
New bug: after disenchanting an item, it can never be enchanted again. Any chance of an update soon?
Thanks for pointing that out, I'll take a look at it :)
Small bug with 1.4.6 update: Items successfully disenchant, but the enchanted animation still shows on disenchanted items (so you can have a regular diamond sword with no enchantments, but it will be glowing as if it were enchanted).
so we can enchant to level 127