Ever wanted to disenchant items with just a command? Now you can :D
Vault integration.
Configure cost of disenchanting.
Permissions support
/disenchant - disenchant the item in hand!
Supported in 1.1 and above.
Supported in 1.1 and above.
cost: 10 - cost of disenchanting
I don't know. Ask me :D
Have a suggestion? Post it in the comments and I'll try to add it :D
Need quick help or just want to talk?
You create a plugin enchant level 127?
I could make it so you can choose if you want it to pay them, and how it pays them. Or make them pay. I'll add that for the next version.
Can you make this so it actually pays the user for disenchanting their stuff as opposed to charging them?
Download link broken?
I have a version compiled with vault, metrics, and permissions. Just have to do some testing and make the config look nice :)
A permission node would be nice :P
EDIT : Found it, in the source.
Supports permissions (no vault required for permissions) and economy(requires vault) Config allows you to change the amount that is taken away for enchanting. Let me know what you think. Sumbit tickets for anything that doesn't work .
I uploaded the wrong file. Chose it from the wrong folder on my laptop:( I was working on making it work with signs so that is what I uploaded at first.
My apologies. The correct one is on there now. Does exactly what the description says. I named it the same thing so if you go and get it now then you'll be fine.
Again, my apologies.
Haha sounds good. Let me know if you want any more features :)
Get that download up soon. Wait, nevermind.... YAY! Thanks for the awesome plugin, I'll test it out.
Hasn't been approved yet but if you can access this file you can download it
Where is link download ?
What do you mean? :o Like make it so you can't see when a player is holding an item or wearing armor that is enchanted? So it just all shows up normal like before?
This is quite usefull....
Can u add a way to hide the enchantment, that would be great :)
I'll add that as a configurable amount in the next build :)
I'll add permissions support in the next build. This is just how I made it for my server, glad to hear other people can make use of it as well. I could get the level of the enchant (like sharp4) and then say give them 20 levels back? Or configure it so you can set the percentage of levels you want them to get back if you do at all. I haven't looked much into exp in the api but I will take a look to see different ways I can do this.
Thanks for the quick responses guys :)
How about linking it through Vault so we can set a $$$ for the disenchant command for servers with economies? That would be awesome
Nice plugin seems good, You should add a node like 'disenchant.use' so people can set it for certain groups (if using permission) Also, when you do /disenchant you can get the levels back? Or something similar too that