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Simple Prefix: Allows you to easily manage your chat with prefixes and suffixes.
This plugin uses prefixes and suffixes that are very easy to configure, from inside of an yml config file. You apply prefixes and suffixes per user or group in the /SimplePrefix/config.yml file.
Alternatively, Simple Prefix can be configured to get the prefixes and suffixes from Vault supported chat plugins instead (PermissionsEx, bPermissions, etc.)
You can fully alter the chat format. For example, you could achieve the following ingame:
- [Admin] Flabaliki: my message here
Or even, just completely mix and match the template to get the look you want.
A developer API is available to those who wish to access prefixes and suffixes and use them within their own plugin. Click "Metadata" above.
That's basically what this is, just a lightweight plugin for quickly getting your prefixes and suffixes to work, however you want.
Read the Configuration page for instructions on how to use the plugin.
- Uses permissions to apply prefixes and suffixes to selected users or groups.
- Alternatively, can use prefixes and suffixes from plugins supported by Vault.
- Formatting/color codes are fully supported.
- Configure the chat format to display however you want.
- Developer API for fetching prefixes and suffixes.
- Easy to use commands for adding / removing prefixes in game.
- Set prefixes and suffixes per group or per user.
- Plays nicely with Essentials /nick command.
- Option to allow multiple prefixes / suffixes, and a configurable separator which is placed between them to separate them.
- A prefix or suffix tier system (so that you can make multiple ranking ladders).
- UUID support
- Offline mode server support (using usernames instead of UUIDs)
- Factions chat tags support (read our Configuration page)
- Place Simple Prefix.jar into your plugins folder
- Restart or reload your server
- Edit your config.yml (see here for info)
Please carefully read the Configuration page!
Youtube Video:
A simple tutorial by Otaku Geeks that will help you get started:
And another video on the basics of setting up the config.
Here is a German video about the plugin.
Commands and Permissions:
Command | Function | Permission |
/spr help | Displays help | Depends on other permissions |
/spr colours | Displays all colour codes | simpleprefix.command.colors |
/spr p g <group> [prefix] | Add/remove prefix from specified group | simpleprefix.command.editGroups |
/spr s g <group> [suffix] | Add/remove suffix from specified group | simpleprefix.command.editGroups |
/spr p u <user> [prefix] | Add/remove prefix from a single player | simpleprefix.command.editIndividual |
/spr s u <user> [suffix] | Add/remove suffix from a single player | simpleprefix.command.editIndividual |
/spr p [prefix] | Add/remove prefix from yourself | simpleprefix.command.editOwn |
/spr s [suffix] | Add/remove suffix from yourself | simpleprefix.command.editOwn |
/spr w <world> [nickname] | Add/remove a world nickname | simpleprefix.command.editWorld |
/spr reload | Reloads config from file | simpleprefix.command.reload |
Permission for all commands | simpleprefix.command.* |
To remove a prefix or suffix, leave [prefix] and [suffix] out of the command
Use the permission simpleprefix.<group name> to add a person to a group.
What people say about Simple Prefix:
"This was exactly what I was looking for! Simple and straight forward to use ... I think it took me about 5 minutes after reading over the directions to get it setup...and my users were instantly thankful and excited about their cool new fancy prefixes. Thanks for your efforts!" - GrumblyOldBear
"You're the best! Prior to simplePrefix I spent weeks looking for something that would do prefixes by permissions, and now that I find it, I get functionality AND quick support, as well as new features implemented! <3" - octoshrimpy
"Epic plugin!" - Bammerbom
"Great plugin! :)" - ThisUsernameIsMine
"oh thank god youre updating this...i love the concept of multiple prefixes. its what ive been looking for for a LOOONNNGGG time. im so glad i found this one and itd be awesome to have it updated" - SatansDaughter66 (Written when the 2.3 update was announced)
"Been using this for quite some time, and it's always served our needs well... Thanks for making an awesome plugin! - Islid
As of version 2.3.1, this plugin uses an automatic updater to check if you are running the latest version, and if not, it downloads the latest version. To disable this please set "Auto-Update" to "false" in the config.yml file.
Is there a way to make prefixes work in tab?
I have a problem,
if I give the default group the prefix "[player]" and then a player joins, he doesn't have the player prefix but nothing before the name. But if I give a player the prefix myself, then it works. I hope that someone can help me.
Im sorry for my english.
Hey, I was just wondering if there was a bungee cord version of this plugin. If so, that would be great!
Great prefix plugin, but it needs DeluxeTags support.
Please update this to 1.12.2!
i cant see the prefix/suffix . i have powerranks, is this the problem or?
Can you add a messages.yml please? Awesome plugin.
Was this project abandoned? there hasn't been a file upload for 2 years.
In reply to kai1029:
In reply to BaranCODE:
How do i remove the time next to my name? it looks like this: [3:10]AM
i cant see my prefix or suffix
Could you please add PlaceholderAPI support?
Whenever I try to change either my suffix or prefix, it doesn't shop up!
please help ;(
In reply to thefoxgaming12:
I can't figure out how to change the color of my name. I did it before but I don't know how to do it again. Help
Is there a way to get rid of the time, if so please tell me. I went in to config at least 10 times trying to get rid of it and nothing worked. Please help
In reply to Dudemanis: