General Configuration
After you reload or restart your server, open the /plugins/Simple Prefix/config.yml file and edit as you please. For reference, here is the default config.yml (for version 2.5.1):
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Auto-Update: true Use-Vault: false debug-mode: false OPs-have-all: false Use-UUID: true Template: format: '<[time] [world] [prefix][name][suffix]> ' time: '[h:mm aa]' multiPrefix: false multiPrefixSeparator: '&r, ' multiSuffix: false multiSuffixSeparator: '&r-' Worlds: world: nickname: '&e[World]&f' Group: example: prefix: '&a[Example]&f' suffix: '' tier: 'exampleTier' User: 069a79f4-44e9-4726-a5be-fca90e38aaf5: prefix: '&c[Notch]&f' suffix: '' |
Ok, so now we have the prefixes we want. You can add more groups, with any name you like, the name is not important at all, it just determines the name of the permissions node that we need.
When you create new groups, you can add people to those groups by giving them the permission:
simpleprefix.<group name>
Note: If the user has permission for multiple groups, and multiPrefix or multiSuffix is disabled, the top most group in the config.yml file will be used. For example, if a user has both; simpleprefix.owner and simpleprefix.mod, then the owner group should be placed above the mod group, in the config file. This will make the owner group more important than the mod group, and owners won't get the mod prefix.
Tiers: Groups can have tier names. If multiPrefix or multiSuffix is enabled, players won't have more than one prefix or suffix from groups that have the same tier names. For example, if you have the ranks "Builder" and "Architect", and they both have the tier "building", then only one of those ranks would be displayed, even if the person has permissions for both. The one that is placed higher in the config would be chosen. This feature allows you to create ranking ladders (e.g. one tier for staff, one for builders, one for game ranks).
Auto-Update: The Auto-Update feature determines whether the plugin will check for updates whenever it starts and download an update if needed.
Use UUIDs: The Use-UUID option determines whether the plugin should use UUIDs or usernames for user prefixes and suffixes. This is set to true by default, because usernames can change but UUIDs are permanent. Offline mode servers should set this false, assuming they have an in-game authentication system so that people stick with the same usernames.
Debug mode: Debug mode will print messages on the console while Simple Prefix runs, so that you can try to understand and fix any issues you have.
OP default permissions: The OPs-have-all option sets whether opped players should have permission for all the prefix/suffixes, by default. If this is set to true, and multiPrefix is turned on, they would get all the prefixes. If this is set to true but multiPrefix is turned off, they would get the topmost prefix in the config. And if this option is turned off, they will only get the prefixes that are specifically set by permissions in the permissions plugin.
Note: If Use-Vault is set to true, SimplePrefix will ignore all the prefix and suffixes that are written in the config, and will get them from Vault instead.
Note: Yes, Simple Prefix does work with Factions. Read here for information about how to set Factions chat tags. Typically, you would set those tags inside Simple Prefix's format option. For example, this could be your format value:
- "<[world] [prefix] {factions_relcolor}&l{factions_roleprefix}&r{factions_relcolor}{factions_name|rp}&f [name] [suffix]>"
Variables and Template
In the config file you will see the following:
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Template: format: '<[time] [world] [prefix][name][suffix]> ' time: '[h:mm aa]' multiPrefix: false multiPrefixSeparator: '&r, ' multiSuffix: false multiSuffixSeparator: '&r-' |
- Under the format setting, the variables are all the words surrounded in single [ ]. You can move them anywhere, or just fully remove them. You can also add colours and string elements in. Here are a few examples you could use:
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#Example 1 format: '<[time] [world] [prefix][name][suffix]> ' #Example 2 format: '&e[world] &f<&c[prefix][name][suffix]&f> ' #Example 3 format: '[prefix][name]: ' #Example 4 format: '<World:[world] [prefix][name]> '
- The time setting accepts that standard time inputs (see "Date and Time Patterns" and "Examples" here).
- multiPrefix is a setting that accepts either; true or false. If you want your users to have multiple prefixes, eg, one from each group they are in, then set this to true. multiPrefixSeparator is something that will be placed between the separate prefixes.
- The same things as the above also applies for the suffixes, with multiSuffix and multiSuffixSeparator.