Simple Player List

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Simple Player List banner.


Simple Player List is the successor to OnlinePlayers. It is a plugin which collects the currently active members on your server and sends the information to a webpage that can be viewed by the public.

It displays whether or not the server is online, the users who are currently online (if any) and the number of users online out of the total that can be online.

There are two configuration files. One for the Bukkit plugin, so that it can connect to the PHP script. The other is to configure the functionality of the actual list display.

Permissions support (which is entirely optional), to enable the creation of custom ranks. You can create as many ranks as you want, and call them whatever you like. The purpose is to add a little tag, or prefix before the user's name in the player list.


  • Automatically updating active player list, viewable as a webpage.
  • Permissions support for custom ranks. (Optional)
  • Easy to configure with simple and explained config files.
  • Status of the server is displayed as offline or online.
  • Run on ANY Server. The server can send the list to any website or computer that has the correct php files. This means if the physical Minecraft server is off, the scripts can still run and display that the server is offline.
  • Compact display. No confusing extra crap around the page to distract from the real purpose of the list.
  • The ability to display a users skin face next to their name.
  • The format of the list can be altered and parts removed to get exactly what you want.
  • Give your users ranks with the config.yml file and simple permission nodes.
  • Simple Prefix (link) integration. If you are running Simple Prefix, users prefixes will be used as ranks.



To Do's

  • Order the players in the list by their ranks.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 13, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Nov 29, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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