
SilkSpawnersEcoAddon - Get charged when you change a mob spawner

Version v3.2.0

SilkSpawners v6.0.0+ (NEEDED): Click!




Do you want to optional equip SilkSpawners with an economy feature?
This little addon will charge the users money via Vault when the change, place or break a spawner

I'm happy to hear about your opinion, just leave a comment with a feature request, bug, improvement or just a personal opinion.

As a reminder I want to say that I really appreciate a 'thank you' in form of a donation! (See details on the bottom)




  • Supports SilkSpawners API/Events
  • Supports all economy systems via Vault
  • Charging when
    • NEW: Placing a spawner
    • NEW: Breaking a spawner 
    • Changing a spawner via /spawner
      • looking
      • or holding
    • Changing a spawner via a spawn egg
  • Configure the price for each mob and action (changing, placing, breaking)
  • Default price for mobs which are not added
  • Support for both ID and names in the config
  • Prevent multiple charges if the mob stays the same
  • Localization of all messages
  • XP fallback - charge XP instead of money
  • Second command/action as a confirmation needed (optional)
  • Charge both money and XP
  • NEW: Change the money formatting!

Third party features, all of them can be disabled
Please take a look at the detailed information about bStats below!

  • bStats for usage statistics
  • Auto Updater (connecting to for updating checking)
    • can be disabled if you switch autoUpdater to false in the config.yml




# You can configure every entityID/name (without spaces) or a default!
autoUpdater: true
chargeSameMob: false chargeXP: false chargeBoth: false chargeMultipleAmounts: false
numberFormat: $ 00.##
confirmation: enabled: false delay: 30 default: break: money: 10.5 xp: 100 change: money: 10.5 xp: 100 place: money: 10.5 xp: 100 pig: break: money: 7.25 xp: 200 change: money: 7.25 xp: 200 place: money: 7.25 xp: 200 cow: break: money: 0.0 xp: 20 change: money: 0.0 xp: 20 place: money: 0.0 xp: 20

Some tips:

  • Want to make all mobs for free but only some paid? Turn default to 0 then!




There is only one command to reload the configuration
/silkspawnerseco reload
(Aliases are silkspawnersecoaddon, silkspawnerseco, silkspawnerecoaddon


Permissions (default: OP) - Bypasses the economy check!
silkspawners.reload (default: OP) - Allows you to reload the configuration



Downloads/Source Code/Dev Builds

Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk. (Latest dev builds/bleeding edge builds) - - Dev builds from Jenkins (Source code hosted on Github) - - Source Code



Future Plans (a.k.a. ToDo)

  • Nothing




Known Bugs

  • I haven't found any while testing, if you find any, create a ticket!





Version 3.2.0

  • Adds a currency formatting option for the %money% placeholder.

Version 3.1.0

  • Adds an auto updater feature
  • Fixes a bug where wrong config entries were added to the config.yml

Long changelog




Feel free to use this banner!! :)



Statistics (from bStats)





I'm very happy about any donation.
Support me & buy me some beer, this makes me happy and keeps me interested in this plugin.
Donation chain: -> I receive some money -> Buy coffee -> Work longer -> Faster Updates -> Your benefit!

There is a button on top of this page (right to the different tabs)


I'm accepting bitcoins, too! :)
Address: 1NnrRgdy7CfiYN63vKHiypSi3MSctCP55C




This plugin is released under the MIT license!


Information about the data usage collection bStats

Disabling bStats

The file ./plugins/bStats/config.yml contains an option to opt-out.

The following data is read and sent to and can be seen under

  • Your server's randomly generated UUID
  • The amount of players on your server
  • The online mode of your server
  • The bukkit version of your server
  • The java version of your system (e.g. Java 8)
  • The name of your OS (e.g. Windows)
  • The version of your OS
  • The architecture of your OS (e.g. amd64)
  • The system cores of your OS (e.g. 8)
  • bStats-supported plugins
  • Plugin version of bStats-supported plugins

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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 13, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Sep 17, 2020
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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