

Getting started with SignLoc Edit is quick and easy! Just complete the following steps!

Setting a Signs Location

To set a signs location complete the following steps:

1. Make sure you are either OP or have the permission sle.admin.

2. Look at a sign.


3. Issue the command /sle setloc <SignName> replacing <SignName> with anything you want, just make sure you can remember it! You should get a confirmation message like below:


If not, please redo the steps.

Modifying a Sign

After you set a signs location, you can the remotely modify it! 1. All you have to do is the command /sle modify <SignName> <LineNumber> <Message>

For example: To change my test sign I made earlier in this Tutorial I would do /sle modify Tutorial 1 Success! which would produce the following -


It even supports color codes! To send the command from a command block just set up the command block like this -


And when the command block is power, the sign changes to this -
