


Sensible Toolbox stores its configuration in plugins/SensibleToolbox/config.yml.

Use the /stb getcfg and /stb setcfg commands to show or modify configuration settings. Editing the config.yml file while the server is running is not recommended at this time - there is no command to reload it other than a full server restart (a /stb reload command is planned, though).


The settings are:

block_protectionspecialbestThe block protection system to use. See Protection for more information.
coloured_consolebooleantrueIf true, messages to the console will be coloured. Set to false if your console doesn't have working colour support, or you just prefer uncoloured messages
debug_levelinteger0The current debug level. Leave this at 0 under normal circumstances.
default_accessspecialpublicThis is the default access control that newly-placed STB blocks have. One of "public", "private" or "restricted".
default_redstonespecialignoreThis is the default Redstone Response for newly-placed STB blocks. One of "ignore", "high", "low", or "pulsed".
energy.tick_rateinteger10The interval in server ticks between energy net ticks; energy supply and demand will be calculated and resolved this often.
explode_item_drop_chanceinteger50If a STB item is broken by an explosion, this is the percentage chance that it will drop as an item, rather than being destroyed completely
gui.texture.bgMaterial spec.stained_glass_pane:blueThe background material to use in inventory GUI's.
gui.texture.buttonMaterial spec.wood_buttonThe material to use for button gadgets in inventory GUI's.
gui.texture.inputMaterial spec.stained_glass_pane:cyanThe material to use around input slots in machine inventory GUI's.
gui.texture.labelMaterial spec.bookThe material to use for labels in inventory GUI's.
gui.texture.outputMaterial spec.stained_glass_pane:orangeThe material to use around output slots in machine inventory GUI's.
holo_messages.enabledbooleantrueIf true and the HoloAPI plugin is installed, some messages will be displayed via temporary "holograms", to reduce chat clutter.
holo_messages.durationfloat2.0The duration in seconds per message line for which popup messages will be displayed. E.g. with the default of 2.0, a 4-line message will be displayed for 8 seconds.
inventory_protectionspecialbestThe inventory protection system to use. See Protection for more information.
items_enabled.<item-id>booleantrueThere is actually one setting for every known item ID - for a full list of known ID's, see Item Reference. If the setting for an item is set to false, then that item is made unavailable - it cannot be crafted or obtained with the /stb give command.
integer30The base amount of SCU required by the Auto Builder to place or break a block. Note that breaking a block may cost more or less SCU than the base, depending on the block material.
integer30The base amount of SCU required by the Multibuilder to place or swap a block. Note that this amount can be reduced by an Efficiency enchantment on the tool.
booleantrueIf true, the paintbrush can be made to stain wood planks and slabs, effectively turning them into other wood types. See Paintbrush for more information.
integer25The amount of paint made by mixing a dye in the Paint Can
booleantrueSee item_settings.paintbrush.wood_staining
noisy_machinesbooleantrueIf true, machines will make a variety of noises when working
particle_effectsinteger2The amount and frequency of particle effects. Valid values are 0-2. Reduce this to save a little CPU/bandwidth.
rename_level_costinteger5The cost, in experience levels, to rename an animal which is captured in an Ender Leash.