Sensible Toolbox
Sensible Toolbox adds a bunch of new items, tools, blocks, machines, an energy system, an item transfer system, plus a developer API to make it easy for other plugins to define their own items. It's heavily inspired by certain Forge-based mods, but of course requires no client modifications at all.
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A nice tutorial/review of v0.0.1 by MusicTechnician:
- Installation and Quickstart Guide
- Command Reference
- Configuration File
- Permissions Support
- Access Control and Block Protection
- Items and Blocks
- Block and Inventory Protection
- Developer API
- Credits - Plugins/Mods/Authors to thank
Known Plugin Incompatibilities
- MultiInv: if you're carrying any STB items when you switch inventories, those items will lose their data, since MultiInv doesn't currently preserve extended item attributes which STB uses to store item-specific information. The MultiInv author does plan to add attribute support so hopefully a newer version of MultiInv will resolve this in the future. For now the workaround is to store any STB items before you switch inventories.
- LWC: LWC is supported, but you must use a recent dev build of LWC with UUID support. Dev builds of LWC can be obtained from If you can't use a recent build, then you can disable LWC support: see Protection.
- WorldEdit, Movecraft or indeed any plugin which move regions of blocks around or directly clear regions without firing events: don't use them with any region which contains an STB block. The physical block will be moved or removed, but STB doesn't (can't) know that and will keep a record for the associated STB object in memory. This could lead to all sorts of problems.
Source Code
Auto-Updater and Metrics
All my Plugins are using an Auto-Updater to make sure, you're always
using the latest and hopefully most bug free version of my Plugin.
If you don't want this Plugin to be auto-updated, you can turn it off
in the config file at "options -> auto-update: true/false"
They also use a Metrics-System which collects the following Informations:
A unique identifier
The server's version of Java
Whether the server is in offline or online mode
The plugin's version
The server's version
The OS version/name and architecture
The core count for the CPU
The number of players online
The Metrics version
Opting out of this service can be done by editing
plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.
So I recently took another look at this project and noticed that this is really old.
The Bukkit APi has changed drastically since then and making all of it compatible and functioning is an impossible task.
I started cleaning it up a bit and updating some of the methods.
But note that I currently pursue no interest in continuing development on any of my bukkit plugins.
So it would be really really awesome and lovely if there are some developers out there who would like to update this project to make it work on newer versions of Minecraft.
You can find the Source Code on GitHub:
Pull Requests are very much welcome!
Thanks for your support
are there cables or something to connect a power generator like the magmatic engine to a machine like a masher?
In reply to Flakeyy_:
Can I move this plug-in to China mcbbs?
nearly every link here for information is invalid can someone fix that?
Can someone please add MySQL support to the plugin? It's a great plugin and all my players love it but it takes up a ton of space apparently then crashes the server, corrupts the file, and doesn't work until I upgrade my memory. It just makes it more expensive each time. I would code it but I don't know how to code..
Is it possible to add or obtain the 1.9 machines to 1.8? I would find this incredibly useful if possible
plz revive this plugin!
it ignored plotme and resident protection !
Anyone else having an issue with the elevators not being able to go up , currently using 1.11.2
How can I get the Sound Muffler?
I think this is nor compatible with new protocol lib. might want to check.
Does this plugin have a sound muffler?
i know that you probably no longer look at sensible toolbox forum, but i have an item rout setup with a chest on top and a masher on the side, i have 3 speed modules, the redstone set to ignore, a puller module set to up, so the chest is the input, and a sender module set to west, the direction of the masher, nothing is happening, and no errors, any ideas? best regards, Tobusygaming
what does a pull request do? is there a link for a quick read on plugin coding? - let me be more specific, I could google myself and comb threw tons of tutorials but many are not written well or already assume you have some idea what you're doing. I'm willing to help, but I need a creditable place to start learning this stuff.
ERROR Could not pass event PlayerToggleSneakEvent to SensibleToolbox v1.0.99
Whats that mean?
If anyone is getting errors with this on 1.9 and if you have WildSkript installed, try disabling WildSkript. I was getting console spam every time someone placed an item in a crafting bench. After I disabled WildSkript, it stopped.
Not even sure why I still had WildSkript installed still, since I don't need it.
If you're curious about the error it's the one I posted below (or here:
the only way i forsee me being able to help is by making donations...... i dont know enough coding to help in that way as im sure id just mess it all up!!! but i cant even do that for a couple weeks as i just started a new job and you know how it is jumping in half way through pay period and having to wait like 3 weeks for your first check
If noone wants to contribute to this Project by submitting Pull Requests on GitHub, I am sad to announce that SensibleToolbox will die very soon. I am serious, stop sending me all your bug reports and start contributing to this Project, it's Open-Source.