
Welcome on the ScriptBlock v0.8.0 project page !

ScriptBlock is a CraftBukkit plugin inspired by the great Fluff's plugin Annotate and CommandSign !
It allow you to bind text, commands, or MANY commands to any block (levers, buttons, doors, Signs, etc...), triggered by clicking or walking on it !

Here is a Tutorial video made by Kunoichi Kitteh ! Thanks to here !
LiekMudkipzz also made a cool video of ScriptBlock ! It's a bit outdated, some commands have changed ! but Thanks to him too !
Here is the link !

Regarding Donators

Those who help me maintain motivation for Keeping this project updated !
I really Thanks them !

About 0.8.0...

Lot of change in the codes, in the commands, to make possible and easily, for other devs, the add of Options, and the use of ScriptBlock Options for other Minecraft Event than walk , and interact trigger ! ( ask for sources, and for help if you want to do one ! )

Also a New BIG and FULLY customizable permission system. See changes log for more informations !


  • Adding any text, command, or set of commands to a block (levers, buttons, doors, signs, etc...) with Various Options !
  • Read any Text and execute any commands or command Script. that has been bound to a block with right or left-click !
  • ScriptBlock use the Vault API ! You need to download it even if you don't want to use the Economy and Permissions features !
    Download Vault
  • Support all permissions plugins supported by Vault or if you don't like permissions, it can be Op based only !
  • Most of Economy plugins support (if Vault support it, ScriptBlock support it too ! ).
  • MultiWorld Support.
  • Player can use a bound command, even if he usually doesn't have the permission to use it, with the help of the @bypass prefix.
  • You can edit scripts with a simple Text editor like notepad ++.
  • Look at Changes Logs for more Infos !



  • /sbinteract
    is used for "on block interaction triggered" scripts !
  • /sbwalk
    is used for "on block walk triggered" scripts !

After you've choosen the kind of trigger you want , you need to choose the type of commands you want to send to ScriptBlock !


  • create
    Use this command to create a script and follow displayed informations !
  • add
    Use this command to add a command, or a script to an already created one, or to an already bound one.
  • remove
    Use this command to remove a script from a block.
  • view
    Use this command to view the script you've bound to a block !
  • reload
    This command let you reload the save file, to refresh the scripts bound on blocks !
    Usefull when editing script in the BlocksData.yml save file while server is still running !

exemples:"/sbinteract create" , "/sbwalk create", "/sbinteract remove", "/sbwalk remove", etc...


There is a lot of cool options you can use for your scripts ! You MUST at least use one option with your script to make it work !
Options List


ScriptBlock Permissions system have a lot of possible customisation. You can use simple permissions nodes if you are admin and want full power, without taking the time to set up all the permissions for your players. Or you can take the time, and fully customize the way you want your players to use ScriptBlock.

Link to the permission page.

Upcoming Features

  • Per Player Cooldown.
  • Economy plugins support
  • Copy/paste Scripts. (low priority)
  • Add a Config file to edit Script that has been bound.
  • More Permission Nodes
  • A command that let you know what commands you've bound to a block.
  • WorldGuard / Residence support. (low priority)
  • Custom messages
  • Chat color


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 18, 2011
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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