Command List



/report assign <Index/last> <Player>
Assigns a player to a report, basically makes the assigned player claim the specified report.
/report claim <Index/last>
Claims a report, states you would like to be in charge of dealing with this report.
/report unassign <Index/last>
Opposite of assigning a report. Removes the player currently claiming the specified report.
/report unclaim <Index/last>
Opposite of claiming a report, states you would like to step down from being in charge of dealing with this report.


/report complete/finish <Index/last> <Report Summary>
Marks the report at Index as completed and stores a summary of the outcome of the report.


/report delete/remove <Index/last>
Deletes a specific report.
/report delete/remove all
Deletes all reports.
/report delete/remove completed|finished
Deletes all completed reports.
/report delete/remove incomplete|unfinished
Deletes all incomplete reports.
/report delete/remove <Player Name> [reported/sender]
Deletes all reports where the given player is either reported or the submitter of the report.


/report downgrade <Index/last>
Moves the specified report down to the next lowest priority.
/report move <Index/last> <Priority>
Moves the specified report to a new priority. Priority can be None, Low, Normal or High.
/report upgrade <Index/last>
Moves the specified report up to the next highest priority.


/report list [indexes]
Lists the number of incomplete and completed reports, or their indexes.
/report list priority [indexes]
Lists the number of reports at all priority levels, or their indexes.
/report list claimed [indexes]
Lists the number of reports you have claimed, or their indexes.
/report list claimed priority [indexes]
Lists the number of reports you have claimed by their priority, or their indexes.


/report <Player/!/*> <details>
Reports a player with the details of the offense. ! and * if the player name is not known.
/report request <Player Name>
Prints a list of indexes where the specified player was reported.
/report request most
Displays the player or players with the most reports against them.


/report statistic/stat <Player Name> <Statistic>
Gets a statistic for the given player.
/report statistic/stat list
Lists all available statistics.
/report statistic/stat <Player Name> all
Displays all statistics for the given player.
/report statistic/stat <Player Name> all mod|player
Displays all mod or player statistics for the given player.


/report view <Index/last> [name]
Views a report. Optional parameter name will display the player's real names.
/report view all [name]
Views all reports.
/report view completed|finished [name]
Views all completed reports.
/report view incomplete|unfinished [name]
Views all incomplete reports.
/report view priority [name]
Views all reports sorted by priority.
/report view priority <Priority> [name]
Views all reports that have the given priority.
/report view claimed [name]
Views all reports claimed by you.
/report view claimed priority [name]
Views all reports claimed by you, sorted by their priority.
/report view claimed priority <Priority> [name]
Views all reports claimed by you, that have the given priority.


/respond <Index/last> [reported/sender]
Teleports to the location of the report if reported/sender is not specified it teleports to the reported player's location.

In-game help

/report help [page]
Shows help for the report command.
/respond help
Shows help for the respond command.