Region Mod

Region Module

A simple lightweight protection handler plugin


Region Module v1.4.0 is now released! There is an incentive to update as the code has been freshly rewritten to optimize efficiency. New permissions and ideas have been added this build. Offline Support has been implemented once again to Region Module. A huge number of new features have been added, be sure to read the change log for a fill list!

What is it?

Region Module is a semi-conservative plugin that allows players to protect their own lots (via WorldGuard) for a price that can be configured in the config.yml. Region Module is a moderated plugin, meaning that when a player protects a lot, all users with the permission regionmodule.moderate will receive a notice about the protection. Moderators will manually have to go through the queue and accept / deny the protections based on what they are willing to accept and not accept. Players will be refunded about 50% of the original amount that they used to purchase the lot IF it gets denied. Players will receive a notice (If they are online) about if their protection was accepted or not.


Region Module requires the following dependancies to operate correctly

iConomy ~ For Prices

Permissions System ~ For Permissions

WorldEdit ~ For Regions

WorldGuard ~ For Regions

How to use it

Players who have the permission regionmodule.user will be able to use the commands, it's fairly simple, and shouldn't be too hard to explain.

1.) Have players mark out a plot using the WorldGuard wand.

2.) Type /protect {Insert_Some_Protection_Name_Here_Without_The_Curly_Brackets}

3.) Wait for a moderator to accept / deny it.

Once they type /protect their protection activates right away, unless a moderator denies it, then it will be deleted from both Region Module and WorldGuard.


Simply drag and drop RegionModule.jar into the plugins folder and start /restart your server. The configuration file will generate Immediately.


Below is a list of all commands & their function:

/protect NAME protects a region via WorldGuard with the name of argument1.

/childlot NAME creates a childlot in the parent lot the player is standing in

/protection [list,accept,deny,tp purge] Preforms a moderation command. All arguments require a region name except for protection list.


Protection & Childlot Command:


Moderation Commands:




# Region Module ~ By Dpasi314 #


MinimumXLength: 10 // Minimum length of protection on X Axis

MinimumZLength: 10 // Minimum length of protection on Z Axis

MinimumYValue: 0 // How low should the protection go

MaximumYValue: 256 // How high should the protection go

PricePerBlock: 0.0 // How much should a block cost? If set to 10.0, a 10 x 10 lot would cost 1,000


PricePerBlock: 9.0 // How much per block a Childprotection will cost.

Known Issues

Purging doesn't work properly.

Report an Issue


<big> Like this plugin? Check out my others! </big>

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Region Module - Let players protect their own lots!

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