Part of the Minds of Chimera Project (dev)
CodeBlocks | MOCPlaytimeTracker | MOCDBLib | RegenBlock | MOCGoodEats | MOC3DImporter | ImageImport | MOCKiosk | MOCRater | MOCFizziks | GravitySheep | MOCChemistry | MOCRegistry
RegenBlock allows a creation of regions within Minecraft worlds that have a certain re-spawn timer assigned to them. Once a block in the region is destroyed by a player or a new block is placed it will regenerate to the old state after the timer is up.
Example uses
Regeneration of natural resources in certain areas, resetting of region to an earlier state - in a tutorial area on my server, there is a broken bridge that has to be repaired by the player, but after the player does so the bridge would normally remain fixed for the next player that does the tutorial, with RegenBlock I am able to "regenerate" old broken bridge. Can be possibly used as anti-griefing to some degree, but it will only check events associated with played placing or destroying blocks, not tnt, lava fire etc.
regenblock.self - all or nothing permission for the use of any commands
(all at op level)
- Selection
- /rb select (ex,ey,ez) - Starts/stops player's selection mode. ex/ey/ez will expand selection in that direction. Y is vertical.
- /rb listselection - Lists player's current selection points.
- Editor
- /rb edit - Puts you into editor mode that allows you to change blocks in a region without triggering the re-spawn.
- Info
- /rb info - Print out information about the region in front of the character
- /rb list - lists all regions
- Global Blacklist
- /rb blacklist add/remove (id id id ...) - adds/removes supplied block IDs. Blacklisted blocks will be ignored by the plugin and not regenerated.
- Reload
- /rb reload - Reloads the configuration file. Use this if you updated regions through config.yml and have to reload it.
- Region management
- /rb create (name) [re-spawn time] - Creates a region based on your selection from /rb select
- /rb remove (name) - removes region from the list
- /rb type [typeId] - sets region type, 0 for normal, 1 for mine. Mine will regenerate only upwards and with random blocks that you specify with /rb spawnblock
- /rb sync [0/1/2/3] - sets region to regenerate all at once or not, 0 - normal operation, 1 - all blocks re-spawn at once based on first block broken, 2 - same as 1, but based on last block broken, 3 - blocks re-spawn in normal order, but shifted in time based on last block broken.
- /rb modify (name) [re-spawn time] - modify existing region
- /rb modify time (name) (re-spawn time) - modify existing region's re-spawn time
- /rb alarm time/message/radius (name) (value)- changes the region's alarm settings. Alarm will go off before blocks are due for re-pop to warn players.
- /rb rblacklist (name) add/remove (id id id ...) - adds/removes supplied block IDs for region. Blacklist blocks for a specific region.
- /rb feedback (name) (type) - sets feedback type for the region. 0 - none, 1 - on place, 2 - on place/remove
- /rb feedback set (string) - sets string sent to player during region feedback. Use TIME to show re-spawn time.
- /rb spawnblock (name) - lists region's spawn blocks.
- /rb spawnblock add (name) [id chance id chance...] - adds new blocks with spawn chance. Chances do not need to add up to 100.
- /rb spawnblock remove (name) [id id id...] - removes blocks.
- /rb repop (name) - Re-spawns all blocks in a given region
Method available directly from RegenBlock class.
public void regenBlock(Location location, Material material, byte data, Player player, Boolean isBreakEvent) location - block's location material - what material block should be set to once restored data - data value for the restored block player - player that broke/placed the block isBreakEvent - test if this is a BlockBreak of BlockPlace event.
Could you add a re scrambler for ores? Something near that. :/
Amazing plugin. I have a Factions server, meaning players regularly build bases. I was wondering if, when a block is placed in a region'd area, if it could send a message notifying players that their buildings will be rolled back? That or, could you add a config property that allows us to stop players from placing blocks in region'd areas?
this will make /warp trees much better :D
As of right now, it will restore all types of blocks including the air in the region. Also just so it is clear, blocks are all restored on their own timer, not whole region at once.
It wouldn't be too difficult to add what type of block to regenerate, but that might look somewhat weird if everything around will be mined with specific type of block just hanging in the air. So I guess would have to come up with some kind of better idea for restoring the rest? Maybe area out of rock and some ores would regenerate into just rock? That would sort of make more sense vs having holes all over or worse yet few blocks of ore floating in the air :)
does this regenerates the complete area after the specific time? Can we say what blocks are regenerated in the areas??(also i mean in region A i want sand to be regenerated, in region B i want coal and iron and so to be regenerated..) This plugin is awesome!!
/rb select - to go into the selection mode.
then you are basically select one block with left and one with right clicks. Once two points are selected you can create a region with /rb region create <name> command.
As far as what will be considered a region from those two selected blocks - they form a cube with the two blocks being in the opposite corners of the cube. Pretty much just like world edit does selection.
Oh the possibilities!
Can you explain the region selection process?
Wow, awesome AS plugin!
I can see this being put to use in mining areas for a more "RuneScape" kinda feel.
Good Work
Awesome this could be used in prison servers. :D Or mining areas. :D