

MOCFizziks allows users to create regions that apply either velocity or acceleration or both to players in those regions.

This is still work in progress, but as of right now it works pretty well so I am releasing this to the general public for testing and additional functionality suggestions.

- Create cuboid regions with assigned velocity and/or acceleration that is applied to the players after they enter the region.
- Ability to turn region's power on/off via commands or with level/button/pressure plate (note: any lever/button/plate in the region will toggle power)
- Velocity and acceleration are defined in X Y Z format (Y is vertical). Value of one create a fairly high velocity so it may be more useful to use fractions. For example, 0.1 0 0 would create a fairly good push in positive X direction to the player, while 1 0 0 will basically throw the player.

Permissions: MOCFizziks.use - default OP, allows player to use all the plugin commands

/mf select - toggles select mode on/off
/mf listpoints - list your current selection
/mf create [name] - creates a new region using the selected points
/mf update [name] - update the bounds of the region to the selected bounds
/mf remove [name] - removes the region
/mf setvel [name] [x] [y] [z] - sets the velocity for the region
/mf addvel [name] [x] [y] [z] - adds to the region's velocity
/mf setacc [name] [x] [y] [z] - sets the acceleration for the region
/mf addacc [name] [x] [y] [z] - adds to the region's acceleration
/mf toggle [name] - toggles region on/off
/mf togglepower [name] - toggles use of power switches for the region on/off
/mf addswitch/removeswitch/clearswitch/listswitch - power switches
/mf addsign/removesign/clearsign/listsign - sign operations
/mf info - Prints out info about the currently selected region
/mf list - lists regions


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