

A fairly simple plugin that allows for import of image files into the Minecraft.

/ii image.file [height] - This will import image file from ImageImport/data/ folder into the world starting at your location and building into the direction you are facing.


imageimport.use - allows for the general use of the plugin, default OP

Config file:
Minimum: 0 - Lowest Y coordinate allowed - this will be used if player's location too high or too low.
Maximum: 254 - Highest Y coordinate allowed - this will be used to cap image height as needed and re-size it
Colors: - define colors and matching blocks here
1-0: - name, can be anything, just keep them unique
TypeId: 1 - Block type ID for this color
Data: 0 - Block data for this color (wool color etc.)
R: 125 - Red
G: 125 - Green
B: 125 - Blue

Further info:
The way this plugin works, is first it will load and re-size the image file as needed. Ex. if player specifies a height, or the image height is greater than the max height, otherwise default dimensions of the file will be used.
Image 500 pixels high with 0 min, 254 max settings and user at 100 location while issuing an /ii command will be re-sized to 154 height.
If in the same scenario player sets a height of 50, then the image will be re-sized to 50. However if height entered by used it too great, image will be re-sized to the max allowed in the settings.

By default settings file will be generated with almost all block types matched to their respective colors, if you find the color scheme not matching correctly, feel free to edit config.yml. If you would like to set up transparency, just assign block of typeId for air to some specific RGB value and use that in your image.


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