Example Config

## Configuration file for ReferredByMe ##

#Changing messages will not remove the [ReferredByMe] prefix
#{player} - will be replace by the name of the user executing the command, or the player that joined the game.
#{target} - is the targeted player. E.g., if SomeoneRandom uses /refer LaXynd, then {target} would be replaced by LaXynd and {player} would be replaced by SomeoneRandom
  #The message that will be displayed when a user joins for the first time.#
  WelcomeMessage: 'Welcome, {player}!'

  #The message that tells the user how to say who referred them#
  WhoReferred: 'If you were referred to this server from another user, do /refer <player>'

  #The message that tells the user how to refer someone#
  ReferElse: 'Want some awesome rewards? Get another player to join and have them do /refer {player}'

  #Not the correct number of arguments#
  arguments: 'Review your argument count!'

  #/refer <target>#
  Referred: 'You were referred by {target}. Want some awesome rewards? Get another player to join and have them do /refer {player}'

  #Already been referred#
  #Note: single quotes are escaped by using two single quotes ('')
  AlreadyReferred: 'You have already been referred, you can''t be referred again!'

  #If the user is claiming to have been referred by someone, but has already referred someone.#
  ReferLoop: 'You can''t be referred by someone after already referring someone'

  #Message the referrer gets when someone says they referred them#
  YouReferred: 'Thanks for referring {player} to the server!'

  #Tried to refer themself#
  ReferSelf: 'You can''t refer yourself, you silly goose!'

  #User not found#
  NotFound: '{target} not found.'

  #Reload Config - Remember to reload whenever you edit this file. (/referreload)
  reload: 'All settings were reloaded!'

  #Tells a user they have unclaimed prizes
  Claimable: 'You have unclaimed rewards. Type /referclaim to claim them.'
  #User claimed their rewards
  Claimed: 'You have claimed your rewards.'
  #User had no unclaimable rewards
  NotClaimed: 'No unclaimed rewards found.'
#All the rewards are listed here. 
#The reward tiers are how many referrals are needed to receive the reward
#The reward commands are the commands that will be executed from the console when the player refers a certain number of players.
#E.g. In the example below, when a user(LaXynd) refers 5 people, then the console will execute the command: manuadd laxynd refer1 AND give laxynd 264 1
#Assuming you have group manager installed, this will promote the user(LaXynd) to the group: Refer1.
  #The number of tiers used
  Tiers: 3
    Referrals: 5
    - 'manuadd {target} Refer1'
    - 'give {target} 264 1'
    Referrals: 10
    - 'manuadd {target} Refer2'
    - 'give {target} 264 5'
    Referrals: 15
    - 'give {target} 264 5'
    - 'eco give {target} 50'
  #Recurring rewards will occur every time someone refers the specified referrals.
  #E.g. If set to 5, the user will get a reward at 5 referrals, 10 referrals, 15 etc.
  #Set to 0 to disable.
    Referrals: 1
    - 'give {target} 264 1'
    - 'give {player} 264 1'
#A list of all players, who referred them, and how many people they have referred.
#Will be automatically set by the plugin
#The Leaderboard. The ranks of each user.
#Should be left untouched. Again, automatically set by the plugin
#Check if both players have the same IP.
#It is recommended you leave this to true when running servers in offline mode.
IpCheck: true
#The version number. DO NOT CHANGE!
#This is to check if your config file is up to date with the current version, and update it, if not.
Version: 0.7


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