
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

ReferredByMe is a plugin that allows users to refer other users to the server, letting them get rewards in return, and you to get more players to join your server. This plugin is still early in development, and so if you find any bugs, please let me know so I can fix them as soon as possible. Feel free to make suggestions too.

Commands and Permissions;

Usage - description - permission

  • /refer <player> - Says who referred them to the server - ReferredByMe.refer
  • /referinfo [player] - Gets information on the player. Who referred them, and how many people they have referred. -
  • /referversion - Checks information on the version you are using - ReferredByMe.version
  • /referreload - Reloads the config file - ReferredByMe.reload
  • /referleader - Checks which player has the most referrals - ReferredByMe.leader
  • /referrank - Checks which player has the most referrals - ReferredByMe.leader
  • /referconfig - Edits the config in-game - ReferredByMe.config
  • /referclaim - Claims unclaimed rewards - ReferredByMe.claim

ReferRank LeaderBoard Signs

You can now create leaderboards from signs. Just type;

  1. [referrank]
  2. <which rank>
  • This will produce a sign that says
  1. [referrank]
  2. <rank>
  3. <player>
  4. <Referrals>
  • Signs update whenever you right-click them.


  1. Stops players from referring themselves
  2. Doesn't allow players to use the /refer command, if someone else has claimed they were referred by this user. This is to prevent people from doing a "I refer you and you refer me" sort of thing.
  3. Doesn't allow users to say they have been referred by someone, if they claimed they have already been referred by another user.
  4. Customizable messages
  5. Customizable Rewards. After a certain amount of referrals, or every time a user refers a certain number of players. You may use as many tiers as you wish.
  6. Stops players from referring users that have the same IP. This is to prevent users from referring themselves with alternate accounts.


Users who are updating from V0.5.1 or earlier, must change the config to follow the style shown here, otherwise, there will be a lot of bugs.

The config allows you to change the messages that appear on the screen, and edit the rewards. When a player gets a certain amount of rewards, then a command will be executed from the console. If you want the player to get a reward every time they referred someone, set "Recurring" to '1'. Variables: {player} - Replaced by the player who joined/executed the command {target} - The player a command is targeted to.

To disable Welcome messages, set WelcomeMessage, ReferElse and/or ReferredBy to ''. (double apostrophe)

Planned Future Features

  • MySQL support.

Bugs and Requests

If you find a bug, or just want something added to the plugin, use the ticket system. It's easier on me than using the comments below. Make sure the bug/request hasn't already been posted before posting and that you are using the latest version.

Open Source

ReferredByMe is open-sourced. Feel free to take a look at the code, or even contribute to it. Source on GitHub


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 24, 2013
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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