
Default Config 1.0.3:

# Made by Niels, Shadow48402
# Cooldown is in milliseconds
# Default cooldown is 30 minutes.

CooldownMessage: You are still on Cooldown!
Cooldown: 1800000

Default config 1.1.1:

# Made by Niels, Shadow48402
# Cooldown is in milliseconds
# Default cooldown is 30 minutes.

CooldownMessage: You are still on Cooldown!
GetPrefix: RedBull
GetMessage: Good luck with your RedBull
Cooldown: 1800000

Default config 2.0.12

CooldownMessage: You are still on Cooldown!
Prefix: RedBull
Cooldown: 1800000
GetMessage: '&2Good luck with your RedBull'
GiveMessage: '&2You have got a RedBull, good luck with it.'
ReloadMessage: You have reloaded RedBull.

Default config 2.6

CooldownMessage: You are still on Cooldown!
Prefix: RedBull
Cooldown: 1800000
GetMessage: '&2Good luck with your RedBull'
GiveMessage: '&2You have got a RedBull, good luck with it.'
ReloadMessage: You have reloaded RedBull.
# Join message for the developer.
JoinMessageDev: true
# Auto update
auto-update: true


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