RecipeSearch (archived)

I like vanilla crafting system, but hate to forget and search recipes everytime, so i wrote this plugin to browse them in-game.


plugin appareance


RecipeSearch was inspired on many recipes plugins as Craftipedia, RecipesGUI, Essentials ("/recipe" command) and similar, bringing the best of each with some original additional features as: localized item name searches supported by client language files, inverse recipes search (with item as ingredient), recipes for held item, recipes for targeted block or entity, amongst others.


I hate to switch windows to search recipes online while i am playing. I was an avid user of these plugins on my server and suggested many features but was never heard, sadly those plugins are now dead so i wrote my own and i like to share it with you. If you like this plugin (maybe you will) and like to make videos, please make one and tell me ;)


Like all my other plugins, this is light and designed to enhance the vanilla minecraft experience instead of transform it totally, but also is the ultimate plugin i had dreamed of (see my other plugins <here>, follow them to get update notifications)... i think minecraft is a unique survival, building and colaborative game, if you like shooters or rpgs then you better dont mess it up and go play a good shooter or rpg.




- localized item searches, powered by client language files (admin have to copy it)

- inverse recipes, e.g. recipes in which item is an ingredient

- support for workbench (shaped and shapeless) and furnace recipes

- show recipes for item held in main hand

- show recipes for targeted block or entity (e.g. selected with crosshair)

- single command ("/rc")

- uses graphical interfaces with easy mouse operation

- informative and friendly

- uses bukkit API (fast, light, compatible)

- no dependencies needed (fast, light and compatible also)

- could survive longer version changes with lower maintainance than others

- ordered search results divided in pages, up to 240 results (9 pages of 27 items each)

- targets blocks with crosshair as well as entities

- permissions support for each action (note since v2 they are negated to allow action when undefined|false)

- localization support for status messages (inside config.yml)




- "/rc" command, short for "ReCipe" in english or "ReCeta" in spanish, etc. for easy typing

- "/recipe" alias also


Operation modes


- search recipes by partial item name: "/rc some keywords"

- show recipes for item in hand:  "/rc hand" (or simply "/rc h")

- show recipes for targeted block or entity: "/rc target" (or simply "/rc t")


additionally a help page with "/rc" with no arguments



Usage example (search by name)


- suppose you forgot the name of fences, type "/rc wood fenc" (the keywords order is important)

- the interface opens, showing the item search results


see the green book at left?, now with this plugin it turned out useless


- click any search result to view its recipe results

- optionally you can click pages on quickbar to browse within page results


displaying recipes list (3 recipes for same item), with the first one shown above


- click any result to view its recipe at top


item tooltip showing number of recipes for the item and that the item is an ingredient for other recipes


- optionally you can right click an item anytime to view the recipes with this item as ingredient

- optionally you can click anywhere outside to go back to first search

- you can close and return with [esc], [e] keys, or by right clicking outside


Click summary


- left click an item: show item recipes

- right click an item * : inverse recipes list, i.e. with item as ingredient

- quickbar: browse result pages

- left click outside: replay invoked command (home)

- right click outside * : close gui and return to game (exit)


* right click or other click type than left click


Tips & documentation


- empty crafting grid means container have a search result, while grid with recipe means container have a recipes list

- shapeless recipes starts from upper left corner, while shaped ones are centered

- repair recipes not shown: items with durability can be repaired by puting 2 of them same type together in shapeless 2x2 or 3x3 crafting grid, gaining up to 5% of additional durability bonus but losing enchantments (more info)

- for localized item name search to work, server admin must copy language files from same version client to plugin

- you can find details in plugin.yml comments, is the most completed documentation for now

- later i will push source code and tell you (gpl v3 license)


Help: the "/recipe" command collides with another


- that is one of why i prefered to put "/rc" as command and "/recipe" as an alias instead

- however you can still override commands, for info on doing so read <here>


Planned | Unsupported | i-dont-know-how features


- status messages on inventory titles, i tried with Server.createInventory(owner, type, title) but no changes

- no mouse wheel support, not mentioned in whole api, looks like a client feature

- cant disable recipe book advancements (the green one) temporarily while using plugin, there is no related event, also seems like a client feature

- the plugin was not tested with custom recipes, some could not work

- support for other recipe types (e.g. brewing, enchanting, banners, fireworks, etc.), i have no idea how to make it