Commands, Permissions, and Settings


/races help [page #] : displays help pages of races
/races info [race] : displays race info, or plugin information if [race] is left blank
/races home : warps a player to their race home if it has one.
/races list : lists all available races
/races who [player] : displays race info of [player] or of the command executor if [player] is left blank
/races set [race:level:experience] [player] [value] : sets [players] race, level, or experience to [value]


  • Races.* : Gives access to all Races commands.
  • Races.viewSelf : Allows a player to execute the command /races who on themselves.
  • Races.viewAll : Allows a player to execute the command /races who on anyone.
  • Races.setRace : Allows a player to execute the /races set commands.
  • Races.isSpecial : Allows a player to use special altars/races.


StartingRace=Race : Sets the default race that new players will be set to.
UsePrefix=true/false : Declares whether or not to use prefixes, requires Vault.
UseRaceSpawn=true/false : Declares whether or not races that have race homes players will be teleported on death
AnnounceChange=true/false : Declares whether or not the plugin will tell all of the server someone changed their race.
ExpXMinutes=5 : Declares the experience tick for every X minutes, for the race experience getter "Time".
ChatFormat=[%race%] : Sets the prefix chat format for races, where %race% is replaced with the player's race name.


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