How to use the config


By: Jakeob22

Version 1.1


How to use the configuration:

"Empty Bucket?"

Set to true if you want players to get an empty bucket back after they drink. Set to false if you want the bucket to remain full, even after they drink it.

"Helps Hunger?"

These can only be set to "true" or "false" Set to true if you would like players to be able to gain or lose hunger for that liquid. For example, if water was set to true, they can alter their hunger level by drinking it. If it's set to false, they can't.

"Helps Health?"

These can only be set to "true" or "false" Set to true if you would like players to be able to gain or lose health for that liquid. For example, if water was set to true, they can alter their heart amount by drinking it. If it's set to false, they can't.

"How much hunger?"

These can only be numbers. This talks about how much a food will add to your hunger bar. Each half of a piece in the bar is worth 1. For example, if water was set to "2", it could heal 1 piece of food on the hunger bar. If it was set to "3", it would heal 1 and a half pieces. You can make negative numbers, also. They will force peoples hunger bars to go down! These will only take effect if the liquid it is asking about is set to true.

"How much health?"

These can only be numbers. This talks about how many hearts will add to your health bar. Each half of a piece in the bar is worth 1. For example, if water was set to "2", it could heal 1 heart in the health bar. If it was set to "3", it would heal 1 and a half hearts. You can make negative numbers, also. They will force people to become injured when they drink! These will only take effect if the liquid it is asking about is set to true.

Please try to fix your problem before asking me about it. If you have problems, just private message me or post about it. ALL SUGGESTIONS WELCOME!


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