Planned Features

0.02.00a:Language Fileadd your own messagesTODO
Quest Requirementsusers have to complete a quest to join another questDONE
Advanced Quest List-DONE
Permission Rewardgive a player permissions when a quest is finishedTODO
Teleportation RewardTeleport a player after a quest is finishedTODO
Command Rewardrun a Command after quest completionDONE
0.02.01a:Citizens2 SupportYou can add Quests to Citizen NPC's-
/createQuestcommand to create quests ingame-
/disableQuestcommand to disable a quest-
/enableQuestcommand to enable a quest-
Q-API (MAYBE) Api to create own rewards / Tasks / signs-
More Default Quests--
map - GuiDisplays your quest status in a map after typing a command-


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