
Tasks are what qQuests are all based upon. They are actions required to be taken before a player can turn in a quest.
Current Task Types:

  • Collect
  • Damage
  • Destroy
  • Place
  • Enchant
  • Kill_Player
  • Kill
  • Tame

Upcoming Tasks Types:

  • Craft
  • GoTo
  • Distance
  • Deliver


The collect task type takes specified items from a player when they finish a quest.

      type: collect
      id: 264
      display: Diamond
      amount: 5
tasks.#.typeTask TypeThe task type that this task is using
tasks.#.idItem IDThe id of an item, item ids can be found here
tasks.#.displayStringHow the id will show up in the chat
tasks.#.amountIntegerHow many items the player must collect

Damage, Destroy, Place, Enchant

These task types require to do their respective action to a specified block.

      type: damage
      id: 3
      display: Dirt
      amount: 23
      type: destroy
      id: 1
      display: Stone
      amount: 1
      type: place
      id: 3
      display: Dirt
      amount: 23
      type: enchant
      id: 267
      display: Iron Sword
      amount: 1
tasks.#.typeTask TypeThe task type that this task is using
tasks.#.idItem IDThe id of an item, item ids can be found here
tasks.#.displayStringHow the id will show up in the chat
tasks.#.amountIntegerHow many items the player must collect

Kill, Kill_Player, Tame

These task types require a player to kill/tame a mob, or kill a player a specified number of times.

      type: kill
      id: spider
      display: Spider
      amount: 5
      type: kill_player
      id: quaz3l
      display: Quaz3l, the creator
      amount: 1
      type: tame
      id: wolf
      display: Wolf
      amount: 1
      type: tame
      id: "`any"
      display: Mob
      amount: 10
      type: kill_player
      id: "`any"
      display: Player
      amount: 1
tasks.#.typeTask TypeThe task type that this task is using
tasks.#.idItem IDPlayer name, mob name, which can be found here, or "`any" for any player/mob
tasks.#.displayStringHow the id will show up in the chat
tasks.#.amountIntegerHow many times the player must kill/tame