
This page has been updated for version 1.3 (revision 3)!


Please note that PvPTimer will migrate your current configuration!
Even so, please double check the file generated by PvPTimer for any errors.


You may set what language file to load from with the language property.

language: English will load English.yml.


You may set time amounts with this option.
At the first nesting level you will have to put all groups you'd like.
If you don't have Vault or groups, it will resort to using the default key values.
The default key must ALWAYS be there as it will be used for undefined groups.
Here are the types:

  • newPlayers: for new joins
  • respawn: happens on respawn
  • join: happens on other joins (not the first one)
  • teleport: happens on teleport
  • worldChange: happens on world change
  • New: timeout: while a player is in timeout, they cannot receive any protection

If you want to disable a protection type, just set it to 0s.
For worldChange, the subnodes are the worlds and each time for each world. The defaultValue must always be present too!

Time format

The time amounts are formatted like so:
Each X being a number. You can also ommit any couple you don't need.
h is hours, m is minutes and s is seconds.

10m -> This would be equivalent to 10 minutes.
1m30s -> This would be equivalent to 1 minute and 30 seconds of protection.

However, you may still enter raw numbers if you'd like, PvPTimer will treat them as seconds (just like any other plugin).


Defines the amount of time between each protection check.
Low intervals can cause lag, but will result in more accurate protection times.
I wouldn't recommend checking every second, but if you find you have no issues doing so and want super precise times, go for it.
Recommended value is half your lowest protection time.


Defines the amount of time between each save to disk.
HIgh intervals are recommended as saving isn't required to be done very often.
If you have low protection times, you may want to lower this value a bit.


New value in 1.3!

Set this value to delay the first join message a bit, in order to make sure players see it instead of being lost in a sea of other messages.


A list of worlds to exclude from any protection.

- world_1
- world_2

This will exclude world_1 and world_2.


Types of damage to disallow when protected. You may set this to 'player', which will prevent only PvP damage, or set it to 'all' which will block all entity damage (mobs, etc.)


Wether or not to allow picking up items while protected.


Wether or not to allow container access (chests, furnaces) while protected.


New value in 1.3!

Wether or not to protect players when they teleport using an enderpearl.


New value in 1.3!

Wether or not to protect players when they die by a cause other than PvP.


Wether or not to enable annonymous stats to MCStats.
All collected data is fully annonymous and will affect network minimally.
Gathered stats are publicly available at


Wether or not to check for updates on startup.
This does not slow down startup as it runs on a different thread, allowing other plugins to enable in the meantime.
The impact on the network is minimal (a few bytes worth of data).
This will not download any files on your machine.
This process only happens once on startup, and every time you reload the plugin.
This will only check for builds released on BukkitDev!


Don't touch this value!
Defines the current configuration's revision.


Don't touch this value!
Defines the configuration revision this configuration was migrated from.
If it is new, it will be -1.


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