This plugin allows players to buy items, commands and more with Points. PlayerPoints is needed for this.
This Plugin is continued here:
- Buy items/itemsets
- Add subcodes (like colored wool), damage and enchantments to items
- Buy cmds/doubleCmds/cmdSets
- Buy perms/permSets/timePerms
- TimePermissions : After the configurable time, the permissions will be removed
- Trade points with money
- Configurable (you can add/remove infinite cmds/items/permissions)
- Permissions Support
- Add configurable prices
- Economy Support (Vault is needed) (optional)
- Sign support
You need Vault if you want to work with Perms/PermSets/TimePerms/Economy!
Command explanation
- /<ps/pshop> buy <cmd/Dcmd/item/itemSet/money/points/perm/permSet/timePerm> <name>
- /<ps/pshop> list <item/itemSet/cmd/Dcmd/perm/permSet/timePerm> <page>
- You can remove /ps if you want (here you can see, how to remove this)
- PointShop.buy.Item
- PointShop.buy.ItemSet
- PointShop.buy.Cmd
- PointShop.buy.DCmd
- PointShop.buy.CmdSet
- PointShop.buy.Perm
- PointShop.buy.TimePerm
- PointShop.buy.PermSet
- PointShop.buy.Points
- PointShop.buy.Money
- PointShop.list
- PointShop.sign.create
- PointShop.sign.use
Add list of items/cmdsAdd other things to buy- Add messages.yml
Buy command, and after x time, another command will be executed (like /op and /deop)
How to add more enchantments on one item??
Where's the source for this? (I'd like to update this for my server)
It won't but it would be great if it would work because it offers timed permissions (which bossshop does not) and I need this so much!!!
will this still work in 1.8
Timed Permissions do not work, I get an error all the time when I buy such a packet.
my config:
- particlepack.heart
Price: 1
Time: 10
Message: heart for 10 secs
GlobalPermission: true
gives an unexpected error.
Also can you please make it so that timed commands can be multiple commands (a list of commands)?
Please Add This:
Chest Point Shop [PointShop] (Changeable) Item 1 @5=5 Points And then you add a chest and you add the item in the chest and the shop created!
Work on 1.7.2?
Can you put the source code up? Please
Finally done!!!
This plugin is going to be continued and updated here: BossShop
Good idea. I will add that.
In some days I will rewrite the whole plugin. Then it will also support item names/lores.
Could you add itemname and lore support? :D
i have a fun request. for a pvp arena, can you define 2 points in a world? once defined, and player who kills another will get 1 point per kill. then if they leave, they can transfer those points for money.
can you make this happen?? I think a lot of owners could find uses for this to incentivise pvp
finally a response! lol what about the price per point issue?
PointShop does not work with metadata, but with durability. That means it supports eggs, wool, etc. A creeper egg for example, is created like this: 383:1:50".
well I can't really use this plugin since the Dev doesn't respond to anything and the plugin works but not as well as I hoped it to. The price per point doesn't work, the meta data doesn't work which leaves the item section useless.
Ah thats weird =/ he hasn't responded to my pm or the msg posted here....lol he needs to make a ticket page and keep up with it
Edit: Also do you know how to fix the money to points issue? I want each point to cost $1500 how do i set it up in my config? I'm apparently setting it up wrong XD I have the MoneyforOnePoint: 1500. But when I buy a point it only costs $1 in-game =.=
This plugin doesn't seem to work with anything with metadata other than wool (regardless of what the author is saying)
The workaround is to use the "Cmd" option and do "give %player% <item>"
um does it support eggs? I have this in my config under Item: SilverfishEgg: Price: 1 ID: 383:60 Amount: 16 When I type /ps buy item SilverfishEgg it says "The Item SilverfishEgg was bought for 1 points" but nothing is put into my inventory.
Edit: Found another problem I changed the MoneyforonePoint to 1500 but when i type /ps buy Points 1 it says "You successfully bought points 1 with money 1" it should take $1500 not $1
How do you perform more command with the at with the cmd item?
And can you add the option to perform the command as a player, with temporary give them op when they perform it?
ok i havent updated to 1.6 due to the end of stream error but I just wanted to make sure :P as for the playerpoints could you make it so that it could hook into SurvivalGames, PropHunt, and BattleArena type games(Spleef,Paintball,CTF etc) so that once the games over they will receive for example 1 point for the winning team. Also maybe a pay to enter type thing as well so it costs 1 point to enter the pvp match but if u win you gain 2