Download and search plugins inside of minecraft! Forget about having to go download the jar file, you can do it all in-game! The plugin uses the latest data from, and automatically downloads the newest update of the plugin you request.
- Downloads plugins
- Shows info about a plugin
- Searches plugins
- Disables and enables plugins
- Extracts the .jar if your plugin is in a .zip file
- Automatically updates the plugin
All of this, ingame!
Planned Features
Save disabled state on restart/reload- Auto-updating for other plugins
- Search paging, searching in categories
- Deleting plugins
- Editing config files
- Reloading specific plugins
Note: Whever you see "pluginname" I mean the plugin slug. The slug is most of the time the same as the plugin name, but if you need to find it, it's what's in your address bar. For example, for this plugin it is
- /ptool install pluginname ==> Installs a plugin.
- /ptool installurl URL ==> Installs a plugin or zip from a URL. (a link to a .jar plugin) Also works when pasting bukkitdev project URLs
- /ptool find searchstring ==> Searches all plugins by name and description. (takes longer)
- /ptool fastfind searchstring ==> Just searches by name, much faster, but less results.
- /ptool load exactname.jar ==> Allows you to load a new plugin without restarting or reloading the server.
- /ptool disable pluginname ==> Disable a plugin.
- /ptool enable pluginname ==> Enable a plugin.
- /ptool info pluginname ==> Show info about a plugin.
- plugintools.use ==> allows the use of the plugin.
This plugin uses metrics to get some information about how much this plugin is used. You can see a graph here:
Is it possible to make it open source ? I just want to add a small whitelist for older versions :). But if you can do that its fine for me as well xD.
can i give a woot woot!!
I'm going to start to make a new version of PluginTools. It will be able to unload plugins, and it will load before other plugins load. However, don't expect that soon. It will take a while. Maybe more than a month.
Please update your awesome plugin, I use it all the time to update Spigot which would take me 20 minutes to upload on my connection.
I have a suggestion, make it so that plugintools will load first when the server starts, organize the plugins in abc order in /pl and maby adding a way of what plugins will load first when the server starts. Also plz add the pland features in a new version of plugintools i love this plugin :).
just use "/ptool disable <plugin-name>"
Hi, " /ptool unload exactname.jar " will be very useful because isn't needed to reload or restart a plugin if you want remove a plugin.
My main priority is a new update, with more efficient coding. After that I will start working on planned features.
I already have some code for that in my next version, but thanks for sharing!
Okay. And you should also add an unload command. Click here for the code from rylinaux's plugin PlugMan. You could base it off of this code (or use it as a guide), but if you're going to actually use the code, make sure to give him credit in both the code and on this page.
Since you already have it installed, it will download it into the update folder, and depending on your system, it will swap out the old version with the new one on restart/reload. The reload command is work in progress, I'm currently rewriting the plugin to add auto updating. It might take some time since I'll be on vacation for some time, and I also have other priorities/plugins.
I'm having a problem updating MyHorse to 0.1.1. It keeps downloading 0.1.0.
I tried to delete the existing MyHorse.jar but it said it was in use by Java. Eventually I got it to work:
But it never said it finished downloading. Can you fix this please? EDIT: I tried opening MyHorse.jar and it DOES in fact say
in plugin.yml. Is this perhaps a bug? Also, it SHOULD say it's done downloading. Also, is there a missing command?
But the reload command doesn't seem to work. Also, can you make the disable command also unload the plugin?
Ah ok I see, I had tried that before, but I guess I was using a weirdly formatted URL. I just used wget to download the jar to my web server and then used the shorter URL from that to download it. Works like a charm, I appreciate your work on this.
Updating Bukkit with plugintools is not possible(yet) but, you can use the installurl command to install a link to a plugin .jar (or .zip). I will add an option to update Bukkit itself to the plugin in the next version, however, you will still have to manually delete the old craftbukkit.jar, and rename the one downloaded by plugintools.
Really love the plugin, only thing I would like is the ability to download files from URLs, so if there is an update to Bukkit or Spigot I can just download it right to the server. Would that be possible?
okay thank you, and can you include the "/ptool reload <plugin>" in the next build or can you avoid the case-sensitivness for plugins ? (eg. when I type "plugintools" it woun't recognise it, I have to type "PluginTools")
New update uploaded :) Added saving of disabled state.
@dominik246 I'm running essentials to, and I never had a problem with it, so it's really strange ...
It might conflict with a perm for essentials, I'll try to work something out, anyway thank you :)
That's really strange ... Might be a conflict with another plugin. I can't reproduce this problem.
Woutwoot, when I try to kick somebody as an owner it says "[Plugintools]<name-of-player>Player Online" why does it say that ? and does it somehow interfere with the bukkit perm for /kick ?