Plot Check


PlotCheck is a plugin designed to request for plot checks easily, where the server staff can check the plots later or instantly, by using the built-in queue system. This plugin requires PlotMe 0.17 or higher as of the latest version.


  • Highly configurable, such as: max requests (per user), display size, broadcast messages.
  • Fast plot check request. Simply type a command.
  • Built-in queue system which allows to see which plots are currently waiting for a check.
  • Quick check. After checking a plot, you will be automatically teleported to another plot in queue. This behaviour can be disabled.
  • Bans. Prevents further requests from a plot.
  • Check history. Views who's plot was checked, by who and when.
  • Economy support.
  • Disable building in a plot when it's in queue.
  • More.

Commands & Permissions

/pchShows the plugin version, authors, URL and help command.No permissions.v1.0.0
/pch helpShows what commands you can use with a brief description.plotcheck.helpv1.4.0
/pch requestRequests a plot check for the plot you're standing on.plotcheck.requestv1.0.0
/pch cancel (all)Cancels a/all (v1.9.0) plot check(s) (for the plot you're standing on).plotcheck.cancelv1.0.0
/pch myqueue (page)Displays all of your pending requested plots.plotcheck.requestv1.0.0
/pch checkChecks the plot you're standing on.plotcheck.checkv1.0.0
/pch banPrevents the plot you're standing on from further requests.plotcheck.banv1.1.0
/pch unbanAllows the plot you're standing on to request again.plotcheck.unbanv1.1.0
/pch tp (number)Teleports to a plot in the queue.plotcheck.tpv1.1.0
/pch tpbanTeleports to the first plot in the ban list.plotcheck.tpbanv1.1.0
/pch queue (page)Displays all currently pending plots.plotcheck.queuev1.0.0
/pch bans (page)Displays all currently pending plots.plotcheck.banqueuev1.1.0
/pch history (page)Displays the checked plots, along with who checked the plot and when.plotcheck.historyv1.3.0
/pch clear [type]Clears [type]. Can be everything, queue, bans, checks or config.plotcheck.reset and plotcheck.reset.typev2.0.0
/pch modify (page/property) (value)Modifies the configuration file ingame with no need for a reload.plotcheck.modifyv1.3.0
/pch reload (config)Reloads the plugin and configuration. If config argument is specified, only config is reloaded.plotcheck.reloadv1.0.0
/pch checkupdateChecks for an update.plotcheck.checkupdatev1.3.3
/pch testmessage [request, check, cancel, cancelall or all (v2.0.0)]Sends you a message exactly how it would look like ingame from the config file. Testing purposes only.plotcheck.testmessagev1.7.0


PermissionDescriptionApplies to
plotcheck.bypassqueuebuildingAllows the building in a plot which is in queue.No command
plotcheck.userdefaultsThe default permissions set.No command
plotcheck.bypasscooldownBypasses the request every x minutes feature./cp request
plotcheck.receiveRequestMsgReceives the request message./cp request
plotcheck.receiveCheckMsgReceives the check message./cp check
plotcheck.receiveCancelMsgReceives the cancel message./cp cancel
plotcheck.receiveCancelAllMsgReceives the cancel all plots message./cp cancel

Metrics & Updates

This plugin uses Hidendra's metrics system. The following data is collected:

  • Java Version;
  • OS Version;
  • Authentication Mode;
  • System Architecture/Cores;
  • Game Version;
  • Server Software.

Metrics system can be disabled in the configuration file, along with the update check.

Compatibility & Requirements


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 26, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Dec 28, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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