Config File

Configuration File

#This is what is used to signify the different type of data in the one string. This should not be changed if you do not know what you are doing.
Delimiter: ':'

#Here is where you specify your materials. A list of material names can be found here:
#if you wish you can use ID's which is a safer option.
#Creating a new block syntax: BLOCK:AMOUNT:DATA; <-- Make sure to include the semicolon at the end of your material!!!
#Eg: wool:11:5; --> This would be 11 lime green wool. Or you can use 35:11:5; --> This will also be 11 lime green wool.
#To create an item it is the same deal as the block. ITEM:AMOUNT:DATA;
#You can write your blocks and items in lower or uppercase.
#Keep in mind: The default data for an item is 0. If you want to change the amount of items in one stack do the following. stone:5:0 --> This will give you five stone with its default data (0).

#Make sure to end your modified block and item stacks with a semicolon ';'
#Max amount of items allowed is 81.
#The max amount of items in one stack is 64. If you do specify more the plugin will automatically default your amount property to 64. 
    - sand
    - flint_and_steel:1:20;
    - STAINED_GLASS:1:14;
    - SPONGE
    - 35:1:5;
    - bedrock
    - COOKED_FISH:11:0;
#The title of the inventory GUI that opens up with the materials. --> Supports color codes and formatting.
Inventory Title: "&c&l&nMaterials: "
#The message that is showed to the player who uses the /materials command --> Supports color codes and formatting.
Open message: "&aHere are some materials!"
#The amount in a stack if not specified.
Default amount: 64


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