


MCStats for PlayerLink

This plugin utilises Hidendra's Plugin Metrics system, which collects and sends information to mcstats.org, such as the server's version of Java, what version of the plugin is being used, what type of operating system my plugin is being used on, and more. This is also what powers the graph above! For more info, please click here.

Automatic Updating

This plugin utilizes the BukkitDev auto-updating API to help keep this plugin up-to-date automatically on your server. By having this enabled, every time your server starts up, it will check this BukkitDev page for any new updates, and if there is a new version available, it will install it and update it for you automatically.

This feature is enabled by default; however, if you do not wish to have it enabled, you can opt out by changing the "auto-update" to "false" in the config.yml. We recommend you keep it on so that you do not have to worry about updating the plugin in the future!