What is it?
PlayerLink is a simple, lightweight plugin designed to make sharing URLs related to your server easier. With the mere typing of a command, a user can instantly be given a URL to whatever you set! No longer will you have to pump a URL through an announcer plugin and no longer will you have to have the URL in the clipboard for when new players join your server. It's all there for them. Whether it be a website, voting page, Facebook page, Twitter page, YouTube account... we have you covered.
In addition to just showing the link, there is an optional feature that every time a player uses one of these commands, it will be broadcast across the chat, to let others know that the command is there for them to use. All it takes is one player to use the command, and everybody online now knows about it!
Command | Description |
/playerlink help | Shows all usable commands |
/website | Shows the link to a website you set |
/vote | Shows the link to a voting website you set (Votifier recommended) |
/forums | Shows the link to a forum you set |
/shop | Shows the link to a server shop you set |
/voice | Shows the IP to a voice server you set |
/map | Shows the link to a DynMap page you set |
/wiki | Shows the link to a wiki you set |
Shows the link to a Facebook page you set | |
Shows the link to a Twitter page you set | |
/youtube | Shows the link to a YouTube page you set |
/google+ | Shows the link to a Google+ page you set |
Shows the link to an Instagram page you set | |
/link | Shows the link to any URL you set |
/playerlink reload | Reload the configuration file |
- Configurable value for the cooldown timer for the broadcast message
Leave me suggestions in a ticket by clicking HERE.
- playerlink.*
- Allows access to all commands in the plugin
- playerlink.player.*
- Allows access to all player-related commands in the plugin
- Does not include /playerlink reload
- playerlink.forums
- playerlink.voice
- playerlink.dynmap
- playerlink.facebook
- playerlink.twitter
- playerlink.googleplus
- playerlink.instagram
- playerlink.reload
Known Bugs / Issues
No current bugs or issues! To report a bug or issue, please make a ticket HERE
(What is displayed after typing "/website")
(What is displayed after typing "/vote")
Enjoy PlayerLink? It would help me greatly if you'd donate a few extra dollars for developing the plugin! I'm a student, so I don't have much time or money, and any sized contribution would be more than welcome. :)
Page Views:
yea i found this option also in another plugin but i got another thing, this way i can use this system next to the vote plugin i replaced for gallistner... if i use GALlistner i got a vote reward system that doesnt have /vote added or maybe it does but playerlink always takes priority, now i found a plugin that has exacly as i described regarding vote rewards and /vote (Cant add a picture but if you wanna stop by just pm or ask me here for the servers ip so you can see it for yourself.) I tried commands.yml to make the other reward vote system and its /vote command take control or priority OVER playerlink but been unable to do so, however we need this 1 to show our /shop /facebook and /website... maybe adding an option to turn off the commands like /vote cause i tried deleting the vote setup from the playerlink config but it just readds or not really readd but accually...tells me the link still o.O i know broadcasting it can be turned off but yea it still returns options..
I dont wanna give up on this plugin yet atm it left me no choice as using it now with 7-8 votelinks is just insanity...
Example of our vote returns at this moment with the new vote system:
- "&9Click {&6ServerPact >} &9to vote.(Most Important)!"
This returns:
Click ServerPact to vote.(Most Important)! then onwards we got about 7 more of those, this saving a huge pile of links the way playerlinks would :P
Its a great plugin though we usually have it for /shop /website etc. but since /vote wont be overriden i had to set it to offline till i figure out a way to make only /vote work through the other plugin and have playerlink run /shop and all.
So you could do a list of sites, so to speak? I like that idea.
Here a small suggestion, why not add color support so that for example in the /vote you can add multiple links but seperate them by using a orange or colored |
Hi. I tried customizing the messages and disabling the broadcast for this plugin and it stayed as default. I changed the config, saved it and then did /reload in game and when I did /vote it was still default :/
I am spending more time this year on strengthening my knowledge in Java as a whole, and as my knowledge expands, I am planning on updating all of my plugins to add new features and other misc. extras.
Hello, jflory7
Well how is it going? Will we have a pleasure to manage custom messages? :)
Have a nice day, w8ing for your answer :))
It's updated for the latest version of Minecraft. My schedule with my coursework this year has put off any hope for a translated version before June, but I promise, it's a milestone I'm working towards for this project. Please be patient while I work on getting a version supporting multiple languages available!
Maybe update and fix the translation? Would be lovely!
Wow! Nearing 5k views and 4.5k downloads! That's CRAZY! You've really taken my basic idea for a first plugin and done some wonders with it! Glad to see somebody taking such effort in making it the plugin I always wished it could be. :) I'm doing a Java course at school later this year, and I hope to expand my basic knowledge of coding and turn it into something greater in the future! As for Minecraft - well I don't even have it installed on my computer anymore ^.^
Catcha later man!
This is what a previous user of PlayerLink was talking about. I will see if I can /try/ to get these done in the next few days.
Excelent plugin!! My only problem is: I am from Brazil, and my server is all in portuguese! Can you make a way to personalize the messages for players using commands, and broadcasts??
I used my server's forums as an example for the /forums command. If you do not need to use this command for your server, you can just change the URL field to something blank. It is not required for you to use the default websites. :P
So typing /forums is advertising for a server called Crystal Craft, whats that?
Oh, wow, I hadn't thought of it from a localization standpoint. I try to make more of a priority out of it, or perhaps I can experiment with BukkitDev's localization a little.
Please don't forget to make a ticket about this! Thanks.
Yeah i have a dutch server and we don't want english spam. So we changed it by ourself in the source code but it's alot of work to do this for every update.
Hmmm. A configurable chat message would be interesting, but I think the current setup is effective at the job as well. Because of that, I am not going to make this a priority. However, I would appreciate if you made a new ticket with your idea so that way I don't lose track of it, and I can keep tabs on what others think. Thanks!
Thanks for the update. Could you also make configurable chat messages?
It's now: ''XX typed /vote for the vote link''. Would be nice if you could change the message. :)
Of course! :) It looks like the Bukkit staff are working on plugins submitted two days ago, so my best estimate is within the next 36 hours.
That's so nice, thanks for that. Waiting for bukkit to approve.. :)