
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

PlantTorch - Place torches automatically

Version: v0.3

Places torches on the ground automatically as you move.


  • Configuration file allows you to control the fine detail of when the torches are placed.
  • Torches can be placed on a grid or in dark locations.
  • Supports multiple permissions systems (using wepif)

Why not check out Catacombs the random dungeon generator.


  • Credit to sk98q for WEPIF (worldedit permissions interface) which is being used to simplify support for a number of different permissions plugins.


   /torch     ; Lists player settings, used to configure player settings
   /pt        ; A shorter alias for /torch intended for general use
   /pt mode   ; Lists available modes
   /pt mode <name> ; selects a player mode
   /pt free   ; toggles between free torches and using them from
              ; your inventory
   /pt on     ; turns on automatic placement for the player
   /pt off    ; turns off automatic placement for the player




There are 4 preset modes built into the default config.yml

  • cave - Places a torch on solid blocks that you stand on that are less that or equal to light level 7 and that don't get lit by the sun. This mode is good for fast dungeon exploration. It is relatively economical with torches, but doesn't guarantee their won't be some dark corners that monsters can spawn in. Reduce the light level by 1 or 2 if you'd like it to be even more economical
  • grid - Places torches on a 7x7 grid, but only on the same level as your feet. It places the torches irrespective of the current light levels. This mode is good for filling large flat areas above and below ground.
  • hgrid - This mode is that same a grid except that it will also place torches one block above or below your feet as well as on the same level. With this mode there are no guarantee's that you won't end up with a few dark spots that you'd need to fill in by hand or with another mode.
  • full - This mode almost guarentees to fill in any dark spots in a 7x7x5 area around your feet. The only time you'll be left with dark spots is if there is no solid flat location on which to place a torch.

Here is how to configure a typical cave exploring mode:

    type: step (either 'step' or 'grid'
               'step' means place torches based on where you step
               'grid' means place torches on a fixed grid

    level: 7   (The light level the plugin considers to be too dark)

    light: cave(either 'always' or 'dark' or 'cave' or 'night')

    radius: 0  (The horizontal radius around your feet that torches
               might be placed in - not used for grid modes)

    height: 0  (The vertical height above and below your feet that
               torches might be placed in)

    grid: 7    (The grid size in blocks for modes of type grid - not
               used for step modes)

This is what the light settings mean:

  • always - Place a torch irrespective of the light levels
  • dark - Only places torches in locations that are currently dark.
  • cave - Only places torches in locations that are currently dark and never lit by the sun.
  • night - Places torches in locations that are dark or will get dark at night
    enabled: true
    mode: cave
    free: false

Release Notes

Release v0.3

  • Fix a problem with the load order of the permissions plugins relative to PlantTorch

Release v0.2

  • Fixed the in game help messages.
  • Fixed permissions for 'on' and 'off' commands.
  • Changed the name of the grid size configuration to 'grid'




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