Public API

About: Pail API

This page is outdated!... most info will probably still work though...

Methods for manipulating tabs

Loading tabs:

* Loads the provided JPanel into the user interface under the given title.
* If the title is null, it will be converted to the empty String.
* @param panel The JPanel to load.
* @param title The title of this panel.
* @throws NullPointerException if the specified JPanel is null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the title is already taken.
public void loadInterfaceComponent(String title, JPanel panel)

Getting panels by title

 * Gets the interface component by the specified title, or null if it isn't loaded.
 * @param title The title of the component.
 * @return The component loaded with the specified title, or null if it doesn't exist.
public JPanel getInterfaceComponent(String title)

Showing/hiding tabs

 * Sets the activated (visible) status of the specified tab. Note: this will
 * refresh the tab layout to reflect changes immediately.
 * @param title The title of the panel.
 * @param activated True if the tab will be visible.
public void setActivated(String title, boolean activated)

Working with waypoints

Getting a Waypoint

     * Gets the waypoint with the specified name, or null if it doesn't exist.
     * @param name The name of the waypoint.
     * @return
    public Waypoint getWaypoint(String name)

Adding a waypoint

     * Add the provided Waypoint to the list.
     * @param waypoint The Waypoint to add.
    public void addWaypoint(Waypoint waypoint)

Removing a waypoint

     * Removes the waypoint with the given name from the list.
     * @param name The name of the Waypoint to remove.
     * @return True if a waypoint was indeed removed.
    public boolean removeWaypoint(String name)

Language & Translation

Getting the currently selected language

     * Gets the currently selected language.
     * @return THe Language selected.
    public Language getLanguage()

Translating text

     * Translates the given text to the currently selected language.
     * @param text The text to translate.
     * @return the translated text, or the original text if English is the
     * currently selected language.
    public String translate(String text)

Convenience methods

Getting the icon for a Material

 * Gets the 25x25 pixel image icon for the provided Material.
 * @param material The material to get the icon for.
 * @return The 25x25px ImageIcon of the provided material.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Material is AIR.
public ImageIcon getIcon(Material material)