
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


This plugin regenerates your ores after an configurable amount of time! Cross that, any block you want. it's all configurable. OreRegenerator works as standalone plugin or as worldguard flag!

Give your economy a new look by mines that regenerate, or use it for your rpg

Modes: OreRegenerator has two modes: global and flag

  • Global: the plugin respawn the ores specified in the config globally
  • Flag: the plugin respawn ores in worldguard regions with the flag "regen-ores" set to allow (this mode requires WorldGuard and WorldGuard Custom Flags to be installed)

Do you like this plugin? A cup of coffee to work on the next one would be appreciated ;)


Learn how to create an regen-mine with worldguard

WorldGuard Mine Tutorial

!Note! when editing the blocks that will go through regeneration only use the names from this list: https:hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html

Source: github


#Database type, either sqlite or mysql
databasetype: sqlite

#MySQL Connection settings, only needed when databasetype is set to mysql
  host: localhost
  user: root
  password: 1234
  database: minecraft
  port: 3306
#Interval ratio for checking for ores to be regenerated in seconds
interval: 10

#The mode determines how the plugin works, if set to global it will regerate ores globally, if set to flag it will only respawn ores in regions where the flag "respawn" is set to allow
#!!!!!! Flag mode requires worldguard and worldguard customflags
mode: global

#If set to true players will recieve a message telling them how much longer untill the ore respawn
right-click-message: true

#If set to true oreregen is enabled for people in creative mode
creative: true

#The block that resembles the empty ore block (if nothing is set as empty at the ore)
empty: BEDROCK

#Delays till respawn in Seconds, you can add any block. Use names from this list: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
    name: Coal Ore
    delay: 3600
    empty: BEDROCK
    name: Iron Ore
    delay: 3600
    empty: BEDROCK
    name: Gold Ore
    delay: 3600
    empty: BEDROCK
    name: Lapis Lazuli Ore
    delay: 3600
    empty: BEDROCK
    name: Diamond Ore
    delay: 3600
    empty: BEDROCK
    name: Emerald Ore
    delay: 3600
    empty: BEDROCK
    name: Quartz Ore
    delay: 3600
    empty: BEDROCK
    name: Redstone Ore
    delay: 3600
    empty: BEDROCK
    name: Redstone Ore
    delay: 3600
    empty: BEDROCK


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