Open anyone's inventory or ender chest and modify it in real time! Works with offline players!
This plugin allows you to open any player's inventory or ender chest and interact with it in real time. You can also do it for offline players! This includes access to the armor slots as well as being able to drop items as if you were the player by moving them into the unused slots to the bottom right. Additionally, you can open any chest that is blocked with blocks above it with AnyContainer and open containers silently (no sound or opening animation) with SilentContainer.
- OpenInv: Open anyone's inventory, even if they're offline.
- Read-only mode! Don't grant edit permission.
- Cross-world support! Allow access only from the same world.
- No duplicate slots! Only armor is accessible when opening self (if allowed at all)!
- Drop items as the player! Place items in the dropper slot in the bottom right. Can be disabled via permission!
- Allow any item in armor slots! Configurable via permission.
- OpenEnder: Open anyone's ender chest, even if they're offline.
- Allow access only to own ender chest! Don't grant permission to open others.
- Read-only mode! Don't grant edit permission.
- Cross-world support! Allow access only from the same world.
- SilentContainer: Open containers without displaying an animation or making sound.
- AnyContainer: Open containers, even if blocked by ocelots or blocks.
To install OpenInv, simply copy the plugin to your plugins folder and restart/reload your server.
Please see the wiki.
Please see the wiki. For assistance upgrading to 5.0.0, check out the migration section.
Source Code hosted on GitHub
Original Bukkit forum thread:
Yeah I just restarted and got the same error... before the restart everything worked fine.. is it possible that the plugin is collecting usage data or something like that?
I keep getting a error when I start the server: 03:38 AM [SEVERE] Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL: 03:38 AM [SEVERE] at Source) 03:38 AM [SEVERE] at lishid.openinv.utils.Metrics.postPlugin( 03:38 AM [SEVERE] at lishid.openinv.utils.Metrics.beginMeasuringPlugin( 03:38 AM [SEVERE] at lishid.openinv.OpenInv.onEnable( 03:38 AM [SEVERE] at 03:38 AM [SEVERE] at 03:38 AM [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( 03:38 AM [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin( 03:38 AM [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins( 03:38 AM [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.t( 03:38 AM [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a( 03:38 AM [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init( 03:38 AM [SEVERE] at 03:38 AM [SEVERE] at
not sure if there is anything you can do about it, just figured you might like to know about it, the server it is trying to get to is returning a 500 - Internal Server Error
Do you mean openinv.*?
Much appreciated :)
I did not know about it until recently...
Also, I'll see what I can do for the messages.
Yeah that's what I've been doing, but I thought maybe you would reconsider stepping on a command from one of the most popular plugins that's been around forever :/
Well then, one other thing: my users would like to be able to open chests silently without the text spam. If you have a room of chests and you're looking for something, you can kiss goodbye to any chat that was on your screen. Maybe that could be an option at some point.
Thanks :)
the wildcards should work.
Is there an admin permission node, or will I have to add each node to the group?
edit plugin.yml inside OpenInv.jar and remove /search as alias
The Worldedit /search command no longer works work with this installed :/
It would be possible to log who uses the command, but it would be too much to do to log the changes (also too much data saved to be useful since there will be ALOT).
I'll add this to planned features.
Can you add a log feature that logs who uses the command, on what player, and any changes that person makes? That would really help people find any bad moderators on servers.
New version 1.7.4 fixes case sensitivity for offline openinv
@junksintrunk Thats not a glitch, I like that feature anyways... also
@mrcheesete0 I too have this error. Please fix it.
funny glitch ..... shift right clicking items into another persons inv makes them PUT THE ITEMS ON LOL
K, going to work in fixing it.
As per Comment #34, I get the same error.
when I want to get to BobJoe's inventory, and I accidentally go /openinv bobjoe, it will not find then I do a facedesk moment and remember offline players are case-sensitive, so I go /openinv BobJoe and it STILL won't find it until I reload the server, due to his first non case-sensitive problem
Posted a ticket regarding /sc alias and conflict with bettershop.
or maybe /oi? I can't think of anything else using that.
Yes that i wanted to say, because it then is still kind of reasonable t use inv for your plugin. But for people that dont like to type /i /u /o you would see /inv as the next shortest abbreviation for inventory, which need not only be for adding items.
It's ok, though having it configurable if to use inv or oinv would be nice, but certainly far from urgent.