Open anyone's inventory or ender chest and modify it in real time! Works with offline players!
This plugin allows you to open any player's inventory or ender chest and interact with it in real time. You can also do it for offline players! This includes access to the armor slots as well as being able to drop items as if you were the player by moving them into the unused slots to the bottom right. Additionally, you can open any chest that is blocked with blocks above it with AnyContainer and open containers silently (no sound or opening animation) with SilentContainer.
- OpenInv: Open anyone's inventory, even if they're offline.
- Read-only mode! Don't grant edit permission.
- Cross-world support! Allow access only from the same world.
- No duplicate slots! Only armor is accessible when opening self (if allowed at all)!
- Drop items as the player! Place items in the dropper slot in the bottom right. Can be disabled via permission!
- Allow any item in armor slots! Configurable via permission.
- OpenEnder: Open anyone's ender chest, even if they're offline.
- Allow access only to own ender chest! Don't grant permission to open others.
- Read-only mode! Don't grant edit permission.
- Cross-world support! Allow access only from the same world.
- SilentContainer: Open containers without displaying an animation or making sound.
- AnyContainer: Open containers, even if blocked by ocelots or blocks.
To install OpenInv, simply copy the plugin to your plugins folder and restart/reload your server.
Please see the wiki.
Please see the wiki. For assistance upgrading to 5.0.0, check out the migration section.
Source Code hosted on GitHub
Original Bukkit forum thread:
same issue whit pex (latest an dev build) whith bukkit 1.2.3 and openvin 1.8.2, permissions doesn't work ( but work before in 1.1)
PermissionsBukkit v1.6
SuperpermsBridge v1.2
I will look further in to it
Worked for me.
so it will not work in PEX?
1.8.2 only uses superPerms. If it doesn't work then there's something wrong with the superPerms implementation?
OpenInv 1.8.2 does not work anymore with permissionsbukkit.
They will fix it soon :)
your player probably doesnt exist or something,
doesnt seem to work for me on the 1.2.3 beta i type the command such as /openinv player name, and instead of opening their chests it gives me the command list for it.
1.8.1 should work for both 1.1-R6 and 1.2.3-R0.1
Oh, thank you for the update !
@Lishid Thank You Very Much, It dose work. Again ty for the quick response
Try version 1.8.1, I think it should work.
Hmm i think their R5's renaming broke a few things.
i posted the previous comment cuz it dosnt start w/ my server AT ALL!!! not r5 ready.....thanks
can up put up R5-R6 update on this page(bukkitdev)? way easier 4 everyone..... thanks
Yes it is. Read on the forums page.
Friendly reminder that people still care about this plugin and to see if you're ready for R5 and an eventual 1.2 release.
That's my strong point :D
I make my stuff very configurable and optimized.
ok, well if you please make sure lots of things are configurable, like if the player drops things from all invs on death or just the default one... but cool, I can't wait to see that. (make sure you link your multiinv page on here and vis-versa)
MultiInv is bloated in the way it's written, and the devs are somewhat inactive.
I'm planning on writing my own MultiInv and make that compatible with OpenInv instead.