Open anyone's inventory or ender chest and modify it in real time! Works with offline players!
This plugin allows you to open any player's inventory or ender chest and interact with it in real time. You can also do it for offline players! This includes access to the armor slots as well as being able to drop items as if you were the player by moving them into the unused slots to the bottom right. Additionally, you can open any chest that is blocked with blocks above it with AnyContainer and open containers silently (no sound or opening animation) with SilentContainer.
- OpenInv: Open anyone's inventory, even if they're offline.
- Read-only mode! Don't grant edit permission.
- Cross-world support! Allow access only from the same world.
- No duplicate slots! Only armor is accessible when opening self (if allowed at all)!
- Drop items as the player! Place items in the dropper slot in the bottom right. Can be disabled via permission!
- Allow any item in armor slots! Configurable via permission.
- OpenEnder: Open anyone's ender chest, even if they're offline.
- Allow access only to own ender chest! Don't grant permission to open others.
- Read-only mode! Don't grant edit permission.
- Cross-world support! Allow access only from the same world.
- SilentContainer: Open containers without displaying an animation or making sound.
- AnyContainer: Open containers, even if blocked by ocelots or blocks.
To install OpenInv, simply copy the plugin to your plugins folder and restart/reload your server.
Please see the wiki.
Please see the wiki. For assistance upgrading to 5.0.0, check out the migration section.
Source Code hosted on GitHub
Original Bukkit forum thread:
any way to make this compatible with the plugin multiple inventories? I know you just said it isn't, but can you make it? That would be awesome.
It will only open the current one or something... Well anyways, support for multiInv is limited...
Very nice plugin, but I'm curious how this will behave alongside MultiInv ?
It's R5 ready.
I hope you Update für R5 :)
Wrong plugin, sorry.
Yeah, you weren't supposed to do that... Gonna fix that in next version.
When you try /openinv <name> from console it reports errors.
It is indeed. Metrics is only used by this plugin on my plugin list. Maybe this would be fixed by storing the files in a MySQL server versus flatfile yml so that it doesn't need to have so many open files? Just an idea. I really do love this plugin.
Not caused by this plugin.
21:28:43 [INFO] [Metrics] Too many open files 21:28:44 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.WorldConlictException: Failed to check session lock, aborting 21:28:44 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.WorldNBTStorage.checkSession( 21:28:44 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.World.l( 21:28:44 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.World.y( 21:28:44 [SEVERE] at 21:28:44 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.World.doTick( 21:28:44 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w( 21:28:44 [SEVERE] at 21:28:44 [SEVERE] at
Crashes my server.
You can't register two minecraft users with the same name and different capping. It's not possible to have two users with same name but different capping on a non-cracked server. You must be running offline mode (a.k.a cracked mode) in order to have that.
Also, a minecraft client that allows you to change username is a cracked client.
Yes, my server is on linux, but its not cracked, and neither is my client, I just wrote a script to add an option of choosing my username when running Minecraft, in case I feel a need to run multiple clients for some reason, such as testing a plugin
You're welcome :D
if I was Rod Stewart I would sing to this plugin "have I told you lately that I love you?"
thanks lishid!!!
Why do you have that? The only reason that is possible is if you're running a cracked server on linux.
When you said that you fixed case sensitivity, do you mean it now is or isn't? I have both a mraof.dat and Mraof.dat, and I don't want them to get mixed up
Ah, did I forget to do it... Thanks for reporting.
just a little bug found. i know this plugin is not supposed to be used by the console. but when you do you'll get an
error. this error is caused because you dont check for the
. just a tip :P
Yes, '*' also works.
Will be fixed for next version, but it should not affect the functionality of the plugin in any way, so you can just ignore it...
Yeah, it's just a server/version count. I'll remove the error on next version.