outdated/Guided Tutorial

Guided Tutorial

This tutorial should get a basic OpenMineZ configuration set up for you. Keep in mind that for advanced configuration you should check out the detailed pages.

Make sure you have the "omz.command" permission to use these commands!

1. Spawns

Spawns are the first step in creating a new OpenMZ world. After you have a basic map set up, you'll need to create a "pool" of spawns. When players execute the command /omz spawn, it will select a random spawn from this list for them to spawn at.

To create spawns, use the following command:

/omz setspawn [name]
This will create a new spawn at the location you are standing with whatever name you specify. Names are important.

If you want to give players the ability to choose their spawn, give them the omz.choose-spawn permisson. If they are given this permission, they can use the following commands:

/omz spawn list
lists the possible spawn choices.
/omz spawn [name]
spawn at a certain spawnpoint of your choice.

2. Configuring Spawn Inventories

OpenMZ comes with a default spawn inventory similar, though not identical, to the one used in MineZ.
Players get a starting inventory when they use /omz spawn. To create a new spawn inventory, fill your inventory with what the player should get when they spawn. Then use

/omz spawninv [name]
Saves a new spawn inventory with the given name.

If you save the spawn inventory as "default," it will be the inventory given to all players. If you save other inventories, they will only be given to players if they have the omz.spawninv.[name] permission. This inventory is ADDED to their inventory. If you have an inventory called hp_inv with a health 1 pot, and an inventory called extra_water with an extra water bottle, any player with the omz.spawninv.hp_inv permission will get the default inventory as well as a health 1 pot. If they also had omz.spawninv.extra_water, they will get the default inventory, a health pot, and an extra water bottle.

3. Chests

The real meat of OpenMZ is the chests, of course. Creating chests to your liking is possible entirely from inside the game using basic commands.
Players will need the omz.chest permission to configure chests.
OpenMZ comes configured with chests similar, although not identical, to the ones used in MineZ.
Chests are created by filling your inventory with a bunch of items, all tagged with a probability of being spawned. The durability of items can also be specified as well. To "tag" each item with each of these facts, put the item you want to tag in your hand and use the following commands:

/omz chest prob [probability]
Tags the item with a certain probability of occuring. More on this below.
/omz chest duralow [lowdura]
The lowest durability the item could spawn at, 0 - 100 (percent).
/omz chest durahi [hidura]
The highest durability the item could spawn at, 0 - 100 (percent).

The "probability" tag does not necessarily correspond to a percentage. The best way to think about the way spawns happen are as if it's picking an item out of a bag. The "probability" tag is how many of that item that the plugin throws into this bag. So if you tag a melon with 50 probability, and an iron sword with 10, the "bag" has 60 items inside. 50 of them are melons, the other 10 are iron swords. (The chance of getting a melon is 50/60).
So if all the probabilities of the items in the chest add up to 100, then 1 probability point means 1 percent. I would advise this strategy; tweak the numbers of the spawn rates of all the items to add up to very close to 100, so each point equals 1 percent.
The item tag will be added to the item's lore if you need to check it or reset it.

When every item has been configured to your liking, use the following command:

/omz chest save [template name] [respawn rate] [minimum loot amount] [max loot] [ztier]
Saves the chest template to the database.
Template Name: The name of the chest template.
Respawn Rate: The amount of ticks until the chest attempts to respawn. 20 ticks ~ 1 second (depends on your server).
Loot Amounts: The minimum to maximum amount of items spawned in the chest.
Ztier: The amount of zombies that spawn with this chest. Level 0: 0-3. This amount slowly increases to Level 4: 5-15. Anything past that is very large.

I know this command is long and stupid; with the release of bukkit 1.7, the omz chest saving will be handled by a chat GUI.

If you want to test out your chest template, use the command

/omz chest demo [name]
Replaces your inventory with whatever a chest of this type would spawn.

Items can be made soulbound- that is, they cannot leave the player's inventory. If the player drops the item, it's destroyed.

/omz soulbound
Makes the item in your hand a soulbound item.

4. Placing Chests

/omz chest list
Lists all the available chest templates.
/omz chest place [templateName]
Gives you a chest that, when placed, will place a respawning chest of that template type. The "seed" chest will not go away; place as many as you want.
/omz chest rem
Toggles the "chest remover." If you break a chest in creative, this command will remove that chest permanently.

5. Custom Items

/omz item list
Lists all the custom items available.
/omz item [itemName]
Gives you a copy of the custom item.

Custom items can be saved in chest templates like any other item. OpenMZ comes configured with a bandage, grappling hook, MineZ healing system (custom shears/antibiotics/ointment) and an antidote.

6. Max Stacks

In OpenMZ, inventory management is very important. The amount of loot a player can carry needs to be limited.

/omz item maxlist
lists the item stack settings you have set up.
/omz item setmax
Sets the max stack of the item in your hand. For example, if you use this command with 3 fish in your hand, fishes will only be stack-able up to 3.

7. Configuring your Map

In order to make the map more dangerous, Zombie Pigmen can spawn. The further you are from spawn towns, the more dangerous the world becomes. To keep spawn towns safe, you need to configure a zombie "focal point." At 0 blocks from this point on the map, pigmen should never spawn, but as you get further, they become more and more likely.

/omz zombiefocus
sets the zombie focal point, probably near safe spawn towns.

Then you need to set the pigman likelihood of spawning.

/omz setconfig PIGMAN_CHANCE [percent, 0 - 100]
the maximum chance a pigman has to spawn at the end of the map.
/omz setconfig PIGMAN_RANGE [amount]
the distance to the edge of the map or where you want pigman spawning chances to be at the maximum (whatever PIGMAN_CHANCE is set to).

8. Useful Commands

The omz.command permission is needed to use these commands.

/omz thirst [amount]
sets your thirst level to that amount.
/omz disease [true/false]
sets your player as diseased or not.
/omz bleed [true/false]
sets your player as bleeding or not.
/omz chest forcespawn
forces all the chests nearby to spawn.


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