Thank You!
Thanks to everyone who used and liked this plugin. I've set the plugin to "abandoned" status myself (that's why there is a red box above this text), because it describes best the current status of this plugin. Thanks to everyone that supported me during the year of development, with money, bug reports or simply kind words.
What now?
NoCheat 3.5.0 no longer works with recent CraftBukkit build and you will no longer get any updates or support from me anymore.
If you want to see the original version of this description page for this plugin, you can find a copy of it here: Original plugin description
Replacements for NoCheat
Check out these plugins.
It is based on NoCheat's code and is therefore similar in how it works. But it also adds a ton of new features. You can find it HERE.
NoCheat Classic
It is the original NoCheat without any modifications beyond what is necessary to make it work on modern CraftBukkit versions. If you like NoCheat exactly the way it is, this may be what you are looking for. You can find it HERE.
Is a new plugin that's built from scratch. That means it will behave and feel different to NoCheat. I'm sure the developer appreciates new users and bug reports. Get it HERE.
Make your own
Don't like the presented alternatives? You may just create your own plugin instead. The source code for NoCheat is HERE.
@diskman2000 Try NoCheat+. :D
Ya.. Nocheat is pretty much owned by Nodus client. Nuker is REALLY killing my server. Allows players to nuke entire areas with Nodus client..
They'll both be the same plugin. I've not yet had the time to edit the OP accordingly to point to the new plugin(s).
Also, I'll likely release a "NoCheat 3.5.1" which will just be "NoCheat 3.5.0" but give a warning on startup, telling the server owner that "NoCheat" is no longer supported and that they should use the other plugin in future.
So, when Evenprime85 write what plugin is official successor of NoCheat ?
EssentialsAntiCheat or NoCheat+ ?
On the EAC mainpage is write "EAC is the official successor to EvenPrime's NoCheat plugin for Bukkit."
But on the NoCheat+ mainpage is write "NoCheat+ is an unofficial fork of the famous plugin NoCheat created by Evenprime."
So, EAC is the official successor, or NoCheat+ ?
Also, Evenprime85 told us, that he will add NoCheats successor to the NoCheat description, so where it is ?
Sry for my bad english.
I don't get why NoCheat+ is a nightmare. Your nightmare must be a beautiful dream for many others then.
@Dustinduse @AwesomeVideos300 If you're experiencing any issue with NoCheat+, just leave a comment or open a ticket. I reply to every message. And sorry AwesomeVideos300 but NoCheat+ is going to be "Essentials Anti-Cheat".
Essentials Anti-Cheat will hopefully be a better alternative to NoCheat+. It will come included in Essentials 3.0.
Evenprime. please continue with this plugin. nocheatplus is a nightmare
You should be a bit more descriptive... this plugin does in fact work.
Is Not Working
Hey, wrong plugin?
Hey why antixray is not working :/? Or how to turn it on
Thanks for the explanation. I think it time to add extra security on our server.
Minecrafts authentication protocol is completely broken. I'll try to give a simple explaination:
When a server is in online-mode=true, it will force players that try to connect to solve a little challenge to prove that they own the username that they want to use on the server. That challenge is:
Server: "Dear user, take this random number and upload it under your username to the servers. If you can do that, then you clearly are the owner of that username and I'll let you log in."
What the attacker does:
At the same time that you start to connect to the attackers minecraft server (A), he will start to connect with your username to another server (B). Now (B) will give the attacker the above challenge, which the attacker can't solve (he can't upload stuff to in your name). But the attacker is clever and just forwards the challenge to you, behaving as if it is the challenge of his own server (A). You will be able to solve it and happily upload the random number to, thinking it grants you access to (A), while in fact it grants the attacker access to (B).
This scheme is not identifyable by the user! All you will see is a normal minecraft server in online-mode=true that gives you a normal challenge that you normally solve).
This scheme is not identifyable by the attacked server! All that server sees is a user (the attacker) normally trying to login with a specific username. The server challenge that user as usual, and the user is able to normally solve the challenge. Therefore it is normally accepted onto the server.
Minecraft's authentication scheme is therefore completely broken and can't be trusted. I heavily recommend runnning xAuth or a similar plugin to protect your users from this form of takeover. and especially your ADMIN AND MODERATOR ACCOUNTS.
and how can they do that? its fearsome o.o >_<
Line 2637: 12.04.09 22:55:22 [INFO] failed moving.morepackets: Sent 553 more packets than expected. Total violation level 553
If i see this line about 30 times in the log, is this user cheating? im dont know how i can read the log exactly
Because I can reach a lot of people here:
Do not login to any MC servers that you don't fully trust, as it is currently possible for the owner of that server to steal your session and use it to log into another server.
E.g. if you are admin on one server, and somone you don't know invites you onto their server (and you actually log into that server), they are able to log into your server (or any other server) with your username without you noticing. This is possible without them knowing your password (and they don't need it anyway for that) and they can connect to "online-mode=true" servers.
To be save, add an additional line of defense like AuthX and make sure it's active for all "important" players (admins, mods).
We should start idling on esper in the #nocheat channel guys! :) Update your scripts, I have an am currently only one there.
Good Work Amazing Plugin
You forgot to mention essentials anticheat!