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There are permissions for every command. The full list is shown below. Remember that myUltraWarps has myultrawarps.user and myultrawarps.admin permission nodes to make things much simpler for you. Also, a piece of advice: if you're looking for a node for a specific command, you can search the page by hitting Ctrl+F and typing the command into the search bar.

myultrawarps.create for /create warp

myultrawarps.create.other to allow players to create warps for other people even if the target player already has a warp with the same name

myultrawarps.warptowarp for using /warp to warp to a set warp

myultrawarps.warptowarp.other to allow players to warp to other people's warps even if they are restricted (except for their "home" warp)

myultrawarps.warptocoord for using /warp to warp to a set of coordinates

myultrawarps.change for /change warp and /move warp

myultrawarps.change.other to allow players to change other people's warps

myultrawarps.delete for /delete warp

myultrawarps.delete.other to allow players to delete other people's warps

myultrawarps.list for /warp list (or /warps list) and for /switch list (/switches list)

myultrawarps.death for /death and /deathfwd for /link to allow players to link other people's warps to switches

myultrawarps.unlink for /unlink

myultrawraps.unlink.other to allow players to unlink other people's warps from swtiches

myultrawarps.back for /back

myultrawarps.forward for /forward

myultrawarps.jump for /jump for /top

myultrawarps.warpinfo for /warp info

myultrawarps.warpinfo.other to allow players to view information on other people's warps

myultrawarps.switchinfo for /switch info

myultrawarps.switchinfo.other to allow players to view information on other people's switches

myultrawarps.sethome for /set home

myultrawarps.sethome.other to allow players to set other people's "home" warps

myultrawarps.home for /home

myultrawarps.home.other to allow players to warp to other people's homes

myultrawarps.respawnhome allows players to automatically respawn at their set home warp when they die, but only if it is configured to happen in the config as well. In other words, if players will automatically respawn at their homes after dying if they have this permission and the settings in the config.txt say that they will respawn at their home after they die. for /to

myultrawarps.from for /from

myultrawarps.from.accept to allow players to accept /from teleportation requests from players without the myultrawarps.from.norequest permission. This allows admins to ensure that a player in jail cannot be teleported out by their buddy.

myultrawarps.block for /block, /unblock, and /block list

myultrawarps.spawn for /spawn

myultrawarps.config to allow a user to change his or her own default warp and no warp messages with /default ["warp"/"no warp"] ("message"). The permission to allow full use of this command and the other config-related commands is included in myultrawarps.admin.

myultrawarps.warps.around for /warps around

myultrawarps.user gives the player all the permissions shown above except the permissions that end in ".other". Note that the commands below are not covered by myultrawarps.user, but they are covered by myultrawarps.admin. to allow players use /to without using the request system

myultrawarps.from.norequest to allow players use /from without using the request system

myultrawarps.warpall for /warp all

myultrawarps.send for /send

myultrawarps.list.full for /full warp list

myultrawarps.admin gives all the permissions above plus permission to use /myUltraWarps load, /myUltraWarps save, /set spawn, /max warps, and /default ["warp"/"no warp"] ("message") to set other players' default warp and no warp messages.

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