Craftbukkit 1.9 support!
Multiworld - The official Multiworld Project
The easy to use multiworld plugin, support custom end and nether worlds for each worlds, you can configure what you want, and you get it (limited to what I programmed)
I made this plugin because the previous author "Baummann", the original creator of Multiworld, became inactive. Before, it was just a simple plugin with 2 commands: /goto and /newworld. I took control of the project and developed a better version. We are now at version 5.2.8 of Multiworld.
- Custom world generators like a world with deserts
- Allows you to change the gamemode of a player when you enters a world
- Supports relative coordinates with /mw move and /mw goto like the /teleport from vanila minecraft
- Block chat coming from other worlds to create worlds where the users have their own private chat
Commands and Permissions
world commands
Command | Description | Permissions |
World | ||
/mw create <world name> [generator] [seed] | Adds a new world to the Multiworld Database. Notice: you can also use this command to add existing worlds. Warning: Do not give to players you don't thrust because they can create unlimited worlds! | multiworld.command.create |
/mw load <world name> | Loads a world that has been defined in the Multiworld database | multiworld.command.load |
/mw unload <world name> | Unloads a world that has been defined in the Multiworld database, other plugins cannot see this world anymore | multiworld.command.unload |
/mw delete <wold name> | Removes a world from the MultiWorld database. Warning: This action is destructive to the settings multiworld has defined to the world! | multiworld.command.delete |
/mw list | List the worlds multiworld has generated in your server. | multiworld.command.list |
/mw info | Shows information from a world | |
/mw listgens | List the supported world generators to use with /mw create | multiworld.command.listgens |
Rules | ||
/mw listflags | List the possible flags to use with the following commands. | multiworld.command.flags |
/mw setflag <world> <flagname> <value> | Sets a flag/option on a world. | multiworld.command.setflag |
/mw getflag <world> <flagname> | Gets a flag from a world, tip use * to get al the world flags. | multiworld.command.getflag |
Portalling | ||
/mw link <src-world> <dst-world> | Links all nether portals from <src-world> to <dst-world>. Notice, to use this you need to turn on the nether portal handler! | |
/mw link-end <src-world> <dst-world> | Links al end portals from <src-world> to <dst-world>. Notice, to use this you need to turn on the end portal handler | |
Teleportation | ||
/mw goto <world name> | Teleports yourself to a world, this command can also be used as alias /goto <world> | multiworld.command.goto |
/mw move <player> <world> | Moves a player to an world | multiworld.command.move |
Spawning | ||
/mw spawn | Teleports yourself to spawn, to move other people use /mw move. | multiworld.command.spawn |
/mw setspawn | Sets the spawn of a world, you can use this to correct the starting spawn point | multiworld.command.setspawn |
Core and Utility | ||
/mw save | Saves the plugin data | |
/mw reload | Reload the plugin data | multiworld.command.reload |
/mw debug | Shows some debugging information, this information is very handy when you create a bug report | multiworld.command.debug |
/mw help | Shows help about the commands used in Multiworld, useful so you don't need to go to this page | |
/mw easteregg | Not a real command, but there is a easter egg hidden in multiworld | - |
Other | ||
- | Permission used to allow multiworld to change the gamemode of the affected player when entering a creative world. Its recommend to give everyone this permission. | multiworld.creativemode |
- | Gives access to the basic Multiworld moderator controll, this permission won't allow users to modefy settings of existing world, it only allows them to view the settings / teleport to worlds | multiworld.basic |
- | All the permissions from multiworld, you can also use the star permission to give them all permissions. | Multiworld.admin |
Optional features
Feature Name | Description | Configuration location |
End portal handler | The end portal handlers allows you to define custom end portals per world | options.useEndPortalHandler |
Nether portal handler | This addon makes it posiable to redirect netherportals to custom nether worlds, this setting is per-world | options.usePortalHandler |
WorldChatSeperator | This allows you to use the RecieveChat and the SendChat flags on a world | options.useWorldChatSeperator |
GamemodeChanger | This allows you to use the flag CreativeWorld to turn on creative mode for a world, to use this you need to give you users the following permissions on all worlds: multiworld.creativemode This module also comes with a other configuration settings, when you turn off usecreativemodeinv, it ONLY handles the gamemode part, it won't change the inventory contents, this can be used if you have a custom plugin for per world inventories. | options.usecreativemode |
EnderBlock | Prevents the use of ender chests in creative mode, this can be used to prevent people from cheating stuff by storing it inside a ender chest in a creative world, and then removing it in a survival world. | options.blockEnderChestInCrea |
WorldSpawnHandler | This allows you to have custom respawn worlds per world group, this can be setup by turning this part on to generate the configuration needed for this. | options.useWorldSpawnHandler |
CraftbukkitHooks | Allows multiworld to hook into craftbukkit to display information that the bukit api won't provide. This feature will try to turn itself off when there are any errors. | options.craftbukkitHooks |
Multiworld and Data Collecting
Multiworld is using a statistcs tracking code so useage statistics wil be logged, for more information what is logged see:
Other recommended plugins for your server
- LocationTeleport - This plugin teleports users when they enter a arena, when you shape the area like a portal, you can have your own portals
- hothgenerator - Generates a awesome snow world (Case sensitive)
/mw create WorldName plugin:HothGenerator
- multiinv - Allows more control between the inventories of worlds than multiworld can provide on its own.
Silly me, I think I used an outdated version of Permissions.... -.-ll
Thanks anyway, because you made me realized that mistake. :P
Okay. So I tried to use the command and it said that the function was not enabled. I enabled portal handler in the file and reloaded. Still says it.
what are you trying to do exact
I didn't implemented it yet.
1: Anyone whit the permission "multiworld.move" can move players bewtween worlds, they can move itself between worlds whit "multiworld.goto"
2: It can switch the gamemode automaticly, when its enabled at the configuration
thats the way I implemented thelink command, to make the missing nether portal link.
is the permissions plugin you using conpacable whit superperm?
I was thinking of switching to this from multiverse because they arent answering any of my problems... Just two questions: 1) If you want to move someone to another world do they have to be op? 2) Does multiworld automatically change the gamemode when you switch from world to world? e.g. World 1: CREATIVE World2: SURVIVAL when you go to world1 you are set to creative. when you go to world2 you are set to survival. (i ask question 1 because with multiverse the person you want to move has to be an op)
is there a way to make it so people can go to one world but not another?
Every times when i marked an portal and write /mvp create Portal1 Midgard it says that it doesn't knwo about world midgard yet, but i had imported the world and when i type /mvl it shows the world, so what wrong ? it does the same thing with every other world i'm trying to make a portal oo ! what's wrong ? .... And i have terraincontrol and eternalice installed but mv doesn't list them ! it just says error when i try /mv listgens !
I noticed that nether portals only seem to work when in either the nether, or our original world, but not in the world we recently created using your plugin. using /goto works still from all worlds
I need help, somehow I can't access the any of the multiworld commands even though I have listed myself admin in the permissions plugin, and deopping myself. I tried reloading everything but it still doesn't work. Here's the format of the permissions.
groups: Default: default: true info: prefix: ' ' suffix: ' ' build: true permissions: - 'multiworld.command.goto' - 'multiworld.command.list' - 'multiworld.command.spawn' Moderator: default: false info: prefix: ' ' suffix: ' ' build: true permissions: Admins: default: false info: prefix: ' ' suffix: ' ' build: true permissions: - '*' - 'multiworld.*: true'
What's wrong??
the linking of end portals isn't implemened yet, wil come soon.
set the portal handler to true at the configuration
can you give an link to that plugin?
Hey I was wondering if you could add the worldgen action of Cityworld a world generation plugin I cant seem to get multiverse to generate with it :/
@ferrybig could you also please explain how to properly migrate nethers and ends over per world? For example, I'm consolidating three different already existing worlds. We'll say, for example, A, B and C.
The worlds work fine, however when I copy the worlds over, they work fine. I then proceeded to copy A to A_nether and A_the_end. I removed the root "region" folder and uid.dat for each of these. When I go into them via `/mw goto A_nether`, for example, it works fine. However I don't understand how to link up the A world to the A_nether and A_the_end properly. How is this done?
If it is not possible, could you please autolink worlds so that the nether and end portals will go to their accompanying postfix _nether and _the_end worlds by default?
I am guessing though that you have a way of linking them up somehow already?
That would be excellent @ferrybig. That's really the key component that's missing right now. I was able to use the "Essentials" mod `setspawn` command to set the spawn point, but that's really inconvenient when warping / goto'ing various worlds as the user really wants to pick up where they left off.
Also, is there a way to make portals with your mod such that you can have several "doors" or triggers at a point that will go to various worlds? Not real important as the "goto" seems to be the real desired way to warp between worlds while maintaining position, but it seems you've got a lot of potential with MW to do much more.
I am not getting an error, it just says to enable linking nether portals between two worlds. How do you do that?
what error does it give?