
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Craftbukkit 1.9 support!

Multiworld - The official Multiworld Project

The easy to use multiworld plugin, support custom end and nether worlds for each worlds, you can configure what you want, and you get it (limited to what I programmed)


I made this plugin because the previous author "Baummann", the original creator of Multiworld, became inactive. Before, it was just a simple plugin with 2 commands: /goto and /newworld. I took control of the project and developed a better version. We are now at version 5.2.8 of Multiworld.


  • Custom world generators like a world with deserts
  • Allows you to change the gamemode of a player when you enters a world
  • Supports relative coordinates with /mw move and /mw goto like the /teleport from vanila minecraft
  • Block chat coming from other worlds to create worlds where the users have their own private chat

Commands and Permissions

world commands

/mw create
<world name>
Adds a new world to the Multiworld Database.
Notice: you can also use this command to add existing worlds.
Warning: Do not give to players you don't thrust because they can create unlimited worlds!
/mw load
<world name>
Loads a world that has been defined in the Multiworld databasemultiworld.command.load
/mw unload
<world name>
Unloads a world that has been defined in the Multiworld database, other plugins cannot see this world anymoremultiworld.command.unload
/mw delete
<wold name>
Removes a world from the MultiWorld database.
Warning: This action is destructive to the settings multiworld has defined to the world!
/mw listList the worlds multiworld has generated in your server.multiworld.command.list
/mw infoShows information from a
/mw listgensList the supported world generators to use with /mw createmultiworld.command.listgens
/mw listflagsList the possible flags to use with the following commands.multiworld.command.flags
/mw setflag
Sets a flag/option on a world.multiworld.command.setflag
/mw getflag
Gets a flag from a world, tip use * to get al the world flags.multiworld.command.getflag
/mw link
Links all nether portals from <src-world> to <dst-world>.
Notice, to use this you need to turn on the nether portal handler!
/mw link-end
Links al end portals from <src-world> to <dst-world>.
Notice, to use this you need to turn on the end portal handler
/mw goto
<world name>
Teleports yourself to a world, this command can also be used as alias /goto <world>multiworld.command.goto
/mw move
Moves a player to an worldmultiworld.command.move
/mw spawnTeleports yourself to spawn, to move other people use /mw move.multiworld.command.spawn
/mw setspawnSets the spawn of a world, you can use this to correct the starting spawn pointmultiworld.command.setspawn
Core and Utility
/mw saveSaves the plugin
/mw reloadReload the plugin datamultiworld.command.reload
/mw debugShows some debugging information, this information is very handy when you create a bug reportmultiworld.command.debug
/mw helpShows help about the commands used in Multiworld, useful so you don't need to go to this
/mw eastereggNot a real command, but there is a easter egg hidden in multiworld-
-Permission used to allow multiworld to change the gamemode of the affected player when entering a creative world. Its recommend to give everyone this permission.multiworld.creativemode
-Gives access to the basic Multiworld moderator controll, this permission won't allow users to modefy settings of existing world, it only allows them to view the settings / teleport to worldsmultiworld.basic
-All the permissions from multiworld, you can also use the star permission to give them all permissions.Multiworld.admin

Optional features

Feature NameDescriptionConfiguration location
End portal handlerThe end portal handlers allows you to define custom end portals per worldoptions.useEndPortalHandler
Nether portal handlerThis addon makes it posiable to redirect netherportals to custom nether worlds, this setting is per-worldoptions.usePortalHandler
WorldChatSeperatorThis allows you to use the RecieveChat and the SendChat flags on a worldoptions.useWorldChatSeperator
GamemodeChangerThis allows you to use the flag CreativeWorld to turn on creative mode for a world, to use this you need to give you users the following permissions on all worlds: multiworld.creativemode
This module also comes with a other configuration settings, when you turn off usecreativemodeinv, it ONLY handles the gamemode part, it won't change the inventory contents, this can be used if you have a custom plugin for per world inventories.
EnderBlockPrevents the use of ender chests in creative mode, this can be used to prevent people from cheating stuff by storing it inside a ender chest in a creative world, and then removing it in a survival world.options.blockEnderChestInCrea
WorldSpawnHandlerThis allows you to have custom respawn worlds per world group, this can be setup by turning this part on to generate the configuration needed for this.options.useWorldSpawnHandler
CraftbukkitHooksAllows multiworld to hook into craftbukkit to display information that the bukit api won't provide. This feature will try to turn itself off when there are any errors.options.craftbukkitHooks

Multiworld and Data Collecting

Multiworld is using a statistcs tracking code so useage statistics wil be logged, for more information what is logged see:

Other recommended plugins for your server

  • LocationTeleport - This plugin teleports users when they enter a arena, when you shape the area like a portal, you can have your own portals
  • hothgenerator - Generates a awesome snow world
    /mw create WorldName plugin:HothGenerator
    (Case sensitive)
  • multiinv - Allows more control between the inventories of worlds than multiworld can provide on its own.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 21, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Mar 21, 2016
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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