Multiple Scoreboards

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

This plugin allows you to use the Scoreboard API that bukkit provides, implementing Multiple Scoreboards in-game.

==Main Idea==
Have you ever wanted to be able to make Multiple Scoreboards in-game? Or maybe just be able to instantly update your SQL database with the scoreboards in game. With this plugin, it is possible! This, and much, much more.

This plugin is indented to be a extent to the basic /scoreboard functionality from vanilla, allowing you to create more than just 1 scoreboard. One of the main goals of this project is update a SQL database with the in-game scoreboards, so you can have access to your deaths in a web-based interface.

Also, if you really think about it, you can make donation systems just with this, using webpages to set the donation status of your players, and, in-game, command blocks that look for those players, and give them... I don't know... jump boost 10? :D

After all of what you read, you must be really excited, but, for now, I cannot give you a version with all that. I'm going to be updated really frequently the plugin, introducing new features and bugfixes.

-Does not break instantly each Craftbukkit build, since it only uses the Bukkit API!
-FlatFile data storage.
-Basic vanilla functionality: Create a new scoreboard, and create objectives for it.
As I said, this list is constantly being updated with everything I'm adding.

==Planned Features==
- Implement the rest of the basic vanilla functionality;
- CustomScoreboard API, so plugin developers can use this to make scoreboard-related statistics for their plugins a lot easier.
- Custom Target selectors for command blocks (and game chat too!), so you can use command blocks to get data from the scoreboards you create as redstone signals!
- MySQL support, so you can save the scoreboards on a MySQL database, which instantly allows for a lot of cool and neat things you can do!
- A command to clear all of the data on a scoreboard, or to clear a player's data on all scoreboards.

There is only one simple permission:
multiplescoreboards.command -> Allows you to access the /multiplescoreboards command.

==Guides & Videos (if any)==
- Dev. Version 0.1:
Check out this link where I give you a overview of the functionality in the Dev. Version 0.1:

Just download the latest version of MultipleScoreboards, and place it in your plugins folder. Then, restart or reload your server.
The default config should be good for most servers, but you can take a look and change what you want.

Please report ANY bugs you find, any exceptions that appear on the console, but they are not supposed to, anything related to it, pretty much, using Bukkit Dev's Ticket tracker.

There is going to be an API for Plugin Developers to use, if they want to use it for something in their plugins. Not implemented yet, but it's comming!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 7, 2013
  • Last Released File
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